Emergency Medicine Club at the U of A

The Emergency Medicine Club at University of Arizona College of Medicine is proud to present:
When: Thursday, February 9, 2012 from 5:30-7:30pm
Where: U of A College of Medicine Student Clinic (on the 3rd floor of the College of Medicine, directions will be provided)
Who: Open to 20 enthusiastic undergraduate students
What: Medical students from the EM Club will teach you basic parts of a physical exam such as:
•HEENT (Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat)
The second half of the event there will be pizza and a Q&A session with the medical students.
This event is free to undergraduate EM club members, $10 for non-members, or $20 for a lifetime EM Club membership and a UA Emergency Medicine pen light (membership forms will be available at the event).
If interested, please RSVP to uaemclub@gmail.com with your name, email address, phone number and if you are an EM club member.
You will be sent a confirmation e-mail within 48 hours of signing up and I will notify the physiology listserv when available spots are full for this event.
Please let me know if you have any questions,
Ashley Bartholomew
UofA College of Medicine
Class of 2014
EM Club Officer


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