Understanding Pharmacogenomics | Cancer.Net

Pharmacogenomics studies how medicine interacts with inherited genes. This includes how inherited genes affect the way medications work for each person. Genetic differences mean that a drug can be safe for 1 person but harmful for another. One person may experience severe side effects from it. Another may not, even when given a similar dose.

Standard genetic testing. Standard genetic testing searches for specific genes. For example, BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. These genes are linked with a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Standard genetic test results may prompt preventive steps.

Preventive steps include:

Pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenomics is a kind of genetic testing. It looks for small variations within genes. These variations may affect whether genes activate or deactivate specific drugs. Test results help the doctor choose the safest and most effective drug and dose.

Pharmacogenomics is constantly changing. Researchers continue to identify gene variations that affect how a drug works. As personalized medicine grows, testing for gene variations may become more common.

Drug activation. Many drugs that treat cancer need activation to work. Activation is the process of turning on. Proteins called enzymes speed up chemical reactions in the body. This activates a drug so that it can do its job.

Each person inherits variations in enzymes. The variations affect how fast a drug changes into its active form. For example, some people break down drugs slowly. This means standard doses of treatment may not work as well.

Drug deactivation. Drugs also need deactivation to limit the drugs exposure to healthy tissues. Deactivation is the process of turning off.

Some people may have slower enzymes. As a result, high levels of the drug may remain in their bodies for a long time. This means that they may have more side effects from the drug.

Besides pharmacogenomics, other factors may influence a persons reaction to a drug:

Here are some of the benefits of pharmacogenomics:

It may improve patient safety. Severe drug reactions cause more than an estimated 120,000 hospitalizations each year. Pharmacogenomics may prevent these by identifying patients at risk.

It may improve health care costs and efficiency. Pharmacogenomics may help find appropriate medications and doses more quickly.

Here are some challenges in the development and practical use of pharmacogenomics:

It is expensive, particularly if insurance does not cover the costs.

Access to certain tests may be limited in some places.

Privacy issues remain, despite federal antidiscrimination laws. These laws prohibit discrimination based on genetic information.

Here are some examples of pharmacogenomic testing in cancer care:

Colorectal cancer. Irinotecan (Camptosar) is a type of chemotherapy. Doctors commonly use it to treat colon cancer. In some people, genetic variations cause a shortage of the UGT1A1 enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for metabolizing irinotecan. Metabolism is the chemical reaction that helps the body process the drug.

With a UGT1A1 shortage, higher levels of irinotecan remain in the body. This may lead to severe and potentially life-threatening side effects. The risk is greater with higher doses of the drug.

Doctors may use a pharmacogenomic test called the UGT1A1 test. It shows which people have this genetic variation. Then, the doctor may prescribe a lower dose of irinotecan. Often, the lower dose is just as effective for these people.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Doctors use pharmacogenomic testing for children with ALL. About 10% of people have genetic variations in an enzyme called thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT). TPMT is responsible for metabolizing chemotherapy for ALL.

Children with lower TPMT levels receive lower chemotherapy doses. This prevents severe side effects.

Other cancer types. Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a type of chemotherapy. Its used to treat several types of cancer including colorectal, breast, stomach, and pancreatic cancers.

A genetic variation in some people causes lower levels of the enzyme called dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD). DPD helps the body metabolize fluorouracil.

Doctors may use a pharmacogenomic test to find this variation. If found, a lower fluorouracil dose helps prevent serious side effects.

Talk with your health care team about your treatment options and consider asking the questions below:

What are my treatment options?

Which treatment or combination of treatments do you recommend? Why?

Do these treatments work differently in different people? If so, are there tests to find these differences?

What are the possible side effects of this treatment?

Could my genetic makeup affect my bodys response to treatment?

Is there a way to predict how my body will respond to this drug? To predict whether I might experience severe side effects?

What are my options if the cancer does not respond to the drug? Or if I experience severe side effects?

Whom should I call with questions or problems?


National Institutes of Health: Frequently Asked Questions About Pharmacogenomics

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Understanding Pharmacogenomics | Cancer.Net

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