Healthcare’s future resides in genetic research and genomic testing – Utah Business – Utah Business

Someday there will be an app on your smartphone that knows exactly what medicine will work best for you. It will warn you of your risk for developing certain diseases and offer a personalized plan for preventing them. It will even be able to determine your likelihood of passing on certain conditions to your unborn baby. Ultimately, it will increase your lifespan and help you enjoy a higher quality of life.

This will all be possible because of one thing: genomics.

To understand genomics, you first have to understand thedifference between genes and genomes.

Genomicsis the study of genomes specifically how your DNA functions and interacts within your body. Through genomics, scientists and researchers have sought to better understand how a persons genes interact with each other and with their environment.

Precision genomicstakes this one step further. Using genomic information, doctors can create more personalized healthcare options for individuals battling illness and disease.

Human beings are more alike than they are different. In fact,research showsthat humans are 99.9 percent identical in their genetic makeup. Understanding the remaining 0.1 percent holds the clues about detecting and preventing certain diseases.Thats where genomics comes in.

Genetic testing looks for inherited mutations in healthy cells.Genomic sequencinglooks at genetic mutations in unhealthy cells.Heres why that matters for your health:

In the past, if you were diagnosed with cancer, your doctor would most likely recommend a standard form of treatment that worked for most people. But these days, healthcare providers can provide acustom-fit treatmentthats based on your specific DNA. They do this by identifying mutations in certain cells.

Dr. Lincoln Nadauld,chief of precision health and academics at Intermountain Healthcare, put it simply. [Precision genomics] means picking treatments for patients with cancer based on DNA changes in their cancer, he says.

And having more effective, personalized treatment plans means:

Genomics also helps identify certain health risks because these factors play a role in nine out of 10 of theleading causes of death.Knowing youre at risk for diabetes or heart disease could help you take steps to prevent their onset.

Genomic medicine is changing the way doctors approach individualized patient care particularly in the fields of oncology, pharmacology, and rare or genetic diseases.

1.Cancer treatment.Precision genomics improves cancer treatment by providing moretargeted therapiesthat are personalized to each patient.

Intermountain has long been recognized for its role in leading cancer research. By collaborating with other institutions and sharing data, doctors are learning how to best treat cancer. And now Intermountain is leading the charge in precision genomics research.

Through a variety of clinical trials, researchers study how different cancers respond to combinations of targeted treatment and immunotherapy (treatments that stimulate a persons immune system to fight cancer).

2. Matching medication.If youve ever been concerned about the potential side effects of certain medications, pharmacogenomics can help.

Pharmacogenomicsis the study of how genes can affect a persons response to medication. By studying your DNA, doctors can discover which drugs are most likely to work for you and what dosage your body might need. (This includes antidepressants, opioid pain relievers, heart medications, anti-inflammatories, antidiabetics, medications used before and after surgery, and more.) This process is called RxMatch testing. Pinpointing which drugs would be most effective for patients reduces the likelihood of negative side effects and repeat doctor visits.

3. Genetic counseling.Worried that cancer might run in your family? Want to know your chances of passing on conditions to your children?A genetic counselorcan assess your family history and genetic test results to determine if youre at risk of developing certain health conditions.

The National Society of Genetic Counselorssuggests the following as good reasons to see a genetic counselor:

The ultimate goal with each of these is to help patients live longer and better lives. The more you understand about your DNA, the better your chances for a high-quality life.

To see genomics in action, consider one Intermountainpatients story.

In 2013, Telitha Greiner had a colonoscopy that revealed cancer spread to her liver and lungs. A friend suggested she travel to St. George to see Dr. Nadauld, whose focus was extending the lives and quality of life for stage four cancer patients.

The genetic testing done by Dr. Nadauld revealed that one of the cancer drugs I was taking that had particularly painful side effects was not genetically effective, Greiner says. It wasnt doing me any good and caused a very painful skin condition. I am so grateful to know that I dont have to take it anymore and for the state-of-the-art care I am receiving at Intermountain.

Like Greiner, many patients have benefited fromIntermountain Precision Genomics.Its state-of-the-artTheraMap testoffers genetic testing for patients who havent found success with traditional treatment options.

For Nadauld, each individual patient serves as a reminder of how important this research is.

Though a lot of good has come from genetic research, theres still much work to be done. With further research prediction, prevention, and treatment can improve much faster. Thats where you have an opportunity to make a difference.

In order to discover new connections betweengeneticsand human disease, doctors and researchers are asking people to participate in theHerediGene: Population Study.This study is asking for 500,000 participants, including 50,000 children, over the course of five years.

Last year, Dr. Nadauld addressed the importance of HerediGene participation in a podcast episode ofThanks for Asking.

Theres extraordinary interest in this, primarily because it offers the opportunity to understand populations better and to start to predict the health across entire populations, he says. What that means is we could start to predict individuals in a population who might be at risk to get some forms of cancer or other individuals who might be at risk to have a heart attack or a stroke or to develop diabetes. And if we can predict that, then maybe we can work with those individuals to prevent some of those things from happening.

HerediGene participants are helping us piece together clues that will help doctors save lives and that could include your own.

If youre interested in furthering genetic research and benefiting future generations,find a participating location near you.No appointment is necessary. Participation is voluntary and provided at no cost to you.

Genomics is changing the way doctors practice medicine and treat disease. In the coming years, many more people will have access to targeted therapies and medicine designed specifically for them.

But healthcare is not one-size-fits-all. Finding the best healthcare solution for you or your loved ones requires open and honest conversations with your doctor.

If you think precision medicine could be right for you, here are a few suggestedtips for talking with your healthcare provider:

If you have questions or youre interested in learning more,visit the Intermountain Precision Genomics page for patients.

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Healthcare's future resides in genetic research and genomic testing - Utah Business - Utah Business

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