Celebrated Medium Isabeau Maxwell Releases Her Compelling and Updated Memoir, ‘Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium’ – Offers Worldwide…

PORTLAND, Ore., July 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Internationally recognized spiritual teacher, Isabeau "Beau" Maxwell, recently announced the release of her updated memoir, "Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium." A rich and compelling narrative, "Cracking Open" describes Beau's journey through the process of "cracking open" into the realm of mediumship, after the death of her beloved grandmother. The book also serves as an introduction into Beau's practice and her comprehensive training course: The SAGE Method (Spirituality, Alignment, Growth, Empowerment). The former-skeptic turned medium has worked since 2005, using her abilities to help thousands of others, serving as a spiritual bridge to help facilitate communication between those on the other side and the living. Beau also trains others to "crack open" themselves through her practical and unique intuitive development course, and global spiritual community.

From the Introduction to "Cracking Open":

"Yes. This book is for you. As you will discover, you are not alone and you certainly are not crazy. There is more to this life than is commonly perceived. For some, this book may be an invitation to open up to new possibilities. For others, it will be confirmation that your experiences are valid and real. I invite you inside this journey of mine as I experience hours of frustration, moments of debilitating fear, and times I wondered if the brain I had relied on for so many years had finally put itself out to pasture. Join me as all of this is also met with moments of pure bliss, when life unfolds to demonstrate the spectacular beauty of human potential."

Reader Reviews for "Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium"

Over the years, Beau's autobiography has moved many readers, receiving numerous 5-star reviews and testimonials on both Amazon and her personal webpage:

"Compelling story, inside perspective. I have never read an account of someone realizing and experiencing that they are a psychic or a medium. While I still have a hard time imagining the things she describes happening to me, I am certain after reading her book that she is authentic. In reading the book, I found myself pulling for her. I would not be surprised if her account got turned into a movie of some sort in the future." J. McCormack

"More than a must-read, and beyond what I would call a page-turner. If you are having things happening, things you can't explain, and you don't know what to do because you don't want to tell anyone for fear of judgment, fear no more. Get 'Cracking Open' and begin the Journey that is the rest of your REAL life." David

Testimonials for the SAGE Method

The SAGE Method is a 7-week psychic-medium course, based on Beau's own lived experiences of cracking open. More than just a course though, The SAGE Method also offers access to a dedicated, supportive, vibrant inner-circle of people who share similar vision and purpose.

"Wow, Beau! What a beautiful, clear, concise exposition! I love how you illustrate with stories from your experience. I, too, have learned some of these lessons the hard way. But that way sure does make the lesson stick!" Daye

"I really like your style so practical, logical, down to earth. Until I found you, everything was 'woo-woo' and very hard for me to feel or buy into" "Thank you for your kindness and expertise." Bernadette

For more information on The SAGE Method, go online at http://www.TheSageMethod.com. Or follow the author on social media: Facebook, Bloglovin', Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest.

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Media Contact:

Isabeau Maxwell, Founder503-572-5681243488@email4pr.com

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Celebrated Medium Isabeau Maxwell Releases Her Compelling and Updated Memoir, 'Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium' - Offers Worldwide...

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