Posthum(or)ous recognition of Pick a Pathologist Pal Day

A reader recently let me know that I failed to recognize "Pick a Pathologist Pal Day" on Tuesday, December 13th:

Pick A Pathologist Pal Day

Wellcat strikes again with Pick A Pathologist Pal Day claiming Pathologists and coroners are an especially jovial lot, and befriending one of them offers an ongoing reminder than “tomorrow” is not necessarily a guarantee.

 They consider coroners and pathologists a happy group of people. They suggest being friends with one will help you realize tomorrow is no guarantee. Buddhists would call this "living in the now." Live in the Now suggests these methods for enjoying each moment:

* Say yes to the present moment by accepting it or taking action to make changes now (not later).

* Just breathe, focus on your breath.

* Stop and enjoy the details of your life.

Turns out beyond picking a pathologist day, sites such as these remind us that important interesting news happens everyday that is not nonsensical, like also being important to eating ice cream, music, end of war (sort of) and national cocoa day.


Seems to be enough that marks December 13.  Perhaps they should move this pathologist pal day item to another less important day.  

And when is Digital Pathology Day, Immunohistochemistry Day or FISH Day?








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