MikroScan Achieves Groundbreaking Footprint in Desktop Whole Slide Scanner for Digital Pathology

Courtesy of the San Francisco Chronicle via PRWeb

Vista, CA (PRWEB) July 22, 2011

Whole slide imaging (WSI) manufacturer, MikroScan Technologies, Inc., announces a breakthrough in size threshold of its ultra-small desktop whole-slide scanner, the MikroScan D2, which is designed for secondary diagnostic analysis and collaboration for digital pathology, clinical research, and education applications.

With workspace at a premium shortage in most laboratories, MikroScan has focused its design and development on instrumentation that innovates the advanced features of larger more expensive systems into smaller desktop, or "personal," scanning solutions. A few minor changes on the inside have created a stunning difference on the outside, and now the market's smallest whole-slide scanner is dramatically smaller.

The tiny desktop footprint of the MikroScan D2 is now only 11 by 13 inches (143 square inches) - a whopping 40% smaller footprint area than the previous version, which was 13 by 18 inches (234 square inches).

"It's about the size a shoe box," says Bob Goerlitz, president of MikroScan Technologies. "We've been working on these improvements for a while, and we are very excited to bring them to market. This type of design criteria has been our core value since launching the company. The goals have been simple; to provide the market with a scanner that meets the end-users' needs for features, capability, and price so the market will finally be able and willing to support and adopt cost-effective digital pathology technology."

The new, more compact MikroScan D2 still packs all the same powerful features and performance that pathologists are calling for, including excellent quality imaging, high-resolution scan speeds well under 2 minutes, and collaborative communications tools that allow remote sharing and control. The scanner is ideal for frozen section room, and cytology fine needle aspiration (FNA) cart applications.

Victor Casas, chief technology officer and applications specialist at MikroScan Technologies, said, "Nothing was sacrificed in the minor reengineering to achieve a smaller footprint. If anything, we have made further improvements to the solid design, increased overall accuracy, and enabled some features that were previously unused. The optics and imaging system are the same exceptional quality, which is a pathologist's main concern for quality medicine and diagnostic accuracy."

"The new smaller sized instrument will make a huge difference for a lot of pathology offices and laboratories where workspace is scarce," said Mr. Goerlitz. "People are quite shocked when they first see how small it is. They are even more amazed when they see first hand the superior image quality it produces and how its features, performance, and flexibility can dramatically improve their workflow and diagnostic communications, and allow end users to bridge the gap between digital slide scanning and remote telepathology. The MikroScan D2 is clearly the smallest, yet most advance scanner in its class."

Mr. Goerlitz was previously quoted, "In large facilities, our solution complements the high-throughput products on the market by filling in the 'gaps of convenience' through eliminating issues like consult travel time, lab wait time, slide shipping time, and of course MikroScan's small footprint allows easy operation from anyplace with Internet access including your desk, lab, frozen section room, or office."

About MikroScan Technologies, Inc.

MikroScan Technologies, Inc. founders have been engaged in the design, sales, and marketing of high quality laboratory instruments for more than 26 years. The company specializes in the development of cutting edge whole-slide imaging (WSI) systems and diagnostic communication tools designed for pathology, biology and research applications. With game changing technology and pricing, MikroScan products represent a leap in advancement and convenience in the evolution of WSI and digital pathology. MikroScan centers its product development on three primary criteria: 1) Speed of slide image acquisition: necessary to make scanning technology practical in scientific investigation and clinical applications. 2) High quality slide images: necessary for accurate visual or digital diagnostics and or collaboration. 3) Affordability: unprecedented economics that allows scanners on anyone's desktop or lab workstation. For further information visit: http://www.MikroScan.com


For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/prwebsmallest-whole-slide-scan/digital-pathology-imaging/prweb8662022.htm

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgif=/g/a/2011/07/22/prweb8662022.DTL#ixzz1SwabUfyY

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