Kudos to CAP PIP Program

For as long as I can remember I have done the quarterly performance improvement program in surgical pathology offered by CAP.

Essentially, the surgical pathology committee puts together an offering composed of 10 cases with questions, summaries and of course answers to the questions to test your knowledge.  

The slides are mailed during regular intervals, you review the slides, take the self-tests and review the write-ups and answers.

Attempts have been made over the years to convert all or parts of this highly analog experience to digital.  

At one time I recall getting a CD with some whole slide images for a set of cases.  I do not think this was marketable and most members did not support.  While perhaps less expensive to scan 10 slides each set than recuts dozens or hundreds and review for consistency, they did not take off back then.

Increasingly with the CAP Case of the Month I often highlight on this site as well as with their PIP program, whole slide imaging is increasingly used.

This last set offered Case 10 as a digital slide with questions/answers.  

Fantastic images, highly navigable, fast image refresh and view, zoom and focus speeds second to none.

And I got the right answer by looking at the image!

When will the entire PIP program be this good and fast?




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