Interesting Case of the Week from PathXchange

Courtesy of PathXchange

This week's Case of the Week is a case by Shaza, a pathologist from King Saud University Hospital in Qateef, Saudi Arabia

Title: Axillary Mass in a 32 Year old Man

Case Information: Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma shows a biphasic pattern which consists of island of cytologically benign hyaline cartilage surrounded by celluar area containing small, primitive-appearing mesenchymal cells arranged around delicate branching vessels.

Case Creator: Shaza

 1-15        1-12        1-10        

Case of the Week Program

The PX Case of the Week is a program that allows PX members to showcase rare and interesting cases to the online community. Take this opportunity to get in the spotlight with our huge digital pathology community! Creating cases on PathXchange is very simple.

Take a look at this Step-by-Step PDF Guide if you are creating a case for the first time.

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PathXchange Team

PathXchange Benefits

Px forms a platform for collaboration and is the perfect tool to easily share slides, discuss cases, teach students, store slides, conduct research studies and store images in one convenient online location. Our interactions with users revealed that Px has been used in various settings. These are just examples; find out how you can best use Px yourself!

Case Conferencing
Present your cases digitally at the next upcoming conference using PathXchange. PathXchange is the perfect way to present your cases online. Reference each case and slide with a permanent URL for websites, papers, and journals. Present whole slide scans instead of limiting the audience to fixed fields of view. Conferences such as Futurescape 2009 and the Senior Surgical Pathology Meeting (SSPM) in Mumbai have used Px as a reference site for virtual case conferencing.

Slide sharing clubs
Share cases online – save cost and inconveniences associated with re-cutting and shipping slides. The Soft Tissue Slide Club is a similar club that shares and showcases interesting soft tumor cases.

Research Study
Use PathXchange as a platform to conduct research studies. Upload digital cases easily and let pathologists from multiple sites review slides over the internet. Research findings can be easily recorded and aggregated using simple questionnaires. Mayo Clinic is conducting an international consensus study on Autoimmune Pancreatitis (AIP) using PathXchange. Participants from five different countries will be reviewing a virtual library of 40 cases and will record their findings, diagnosis and comments using a questionnaire associated with each case on PathXchange. The results of the study will discussed during the joint American Pancreatic Association and Japanese Pancreatic Association annual meeting in Honolulu this year.

Show and provide digital images of interesting cases for teaching purposes. A digitized slide enables anytime, anywhere access to slide sets and provide a more interactive learning environment for students. The Creighton Dermatopathology group on PathXchange provides online cases and resources for residents of Creighton University Medical Center to master their dermatopathology skills. The group presents about 400 rare and interesting cases for routine and common skin lesions.

Forums and Discussions
Have a question related to Pathology? Post it on the Px forum. Px forum provides a quick and easy way to reach out to Px community members to obtain answers, discuss difficult cases etc. Several PathXchange members have been using the Px forum to gain answers to their questions.



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