Discover New Treatments For Parkinson's Disease

Nearly one million people in the United States are living with Parkinson's Disease. Although there is no cure, there are medications and surgical options that can help manage symptoms optimally.

Winthrop-University Hospital's Perspectives in Health series will offer a free seminar for the public, "Discover New Treatments for Parkinson's Disease," on Tuesday,

March 20, at 7:00 PM. The program will be held at Winthrop's Community Outreach Center, located at 101 Mineola Boulevard at the corner of Second Street in Mineola. The speakers, who are two leading experts in the field of Parkinson's, will provide information about the most advanced treatment options and will explain the evaluation process for treating the disease.

Nora L. Chan, MD, Director of the Movement Disorders Program at Winthrop, will discuss how to optimize the medical management of the disease, and address the nonmovement related issues of Parkinson's, such as problems with cognition, depression, fatigue, and sleep.

Brian Synder, MD, will explain surgical techniques, including deep brain stimulation (DBS), an innovative, sophisticated technology that targets regions deep within the brain to control motor symptoms. A question and answer period will be included in the program.

Attendees are asked to arrive at 6:45 PM for registration. Parking and the entrance are available in the rear of the building. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required. To reserve a space, please call (516) 663-8300.

For information on other programs at the Hospital, please call 1-866-WINTHROP, or visit

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Discover New Treatments For Parkinson's Disease

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