‘I Started Rethinking Cheat Days And Got Into RunningAnd I’ve Lost 94 Pounds’ – Women’s Health

The basics: I'm Nakeshia Thompson (@keeshnicoletv), 25, and I live in Austin, Texas, as an assistant property manager. After breaking my ankle at 240 pounds and losing some of my mobility, I realized I needed to make a change and overhauled my diet and fitness routine. I've lost 94 pounds.

Food was my comfort whenever I dealt with anything that was remotely emotional in my life. Whether I was feeling happy, sad, angry, or bored, I felt as if there wasnt an emotion that food couldnt fix.

My idea of a good time was being as sedentary as possible and loading up on delicious foods, rotating between salty, savory, and sweet. I hated the idea of working out because I viewed it as something I would never actually be able to master.

I would look at big, beautiful women on Instagram and think, maybe if I act like Im a proud, plus-size girl, Ill learn to be happy in the body Im in. But the truth of the matter was, I couldnt fool myself forever. Deep down, I hated the way I looked.

Things eventually got so bad that I would avoid the mirrors in my home and out in public so I wouldn't see how big I was getting. I even hid from taking full-body photos like it was the plague.

I had tried to lose weight a couple of times in the past, only to gain it back and then some. Obesity runs in my family, too, so I also carried the belief with me that I was destined to be overweight..forever.

Losing my mobility over the months that followed helped to bring into perspective just how completely out of shape I was and how little I would be able to do for myself if I ever lost my mobility permanently.

Even hopping on one leg to grab the remote felt like running a 10k to me. I flat out told my doctor that crutches would not be an option because I couldn't bare the weight of my own body. I vowed to myself that the minute I could stand on two feet again, I would begin to change my lifestyle and commit to losing weight.

As time progressed (and with clearance and guidance from my doctor), I was able to complete more treadmill and elliptical workouts. Once the number on the scale finally started to move, I became even more excited and began incorporating healthier snacks and home-cooked recipes into my diet, which ultimately helped kick my weight-loss journey into full effect.

Ive learned that the secret to losing weight and keeping it off is choosing a diet that youll be willing to stick to for the rest of your life. Diets that require extreme calorie restriction or completely cutting out an entire food group are almost certain to fail in the long run. I mean, who really could go for the rest of their life avoiding bread? Thats absurd to me.

So instead, I increased the amount of healthy food I was eating and decreased the less nutritious onessimple as that. Its okay to have a cupcake once in a while, I know. The point I try to make is to not over-indulge in those foods, but to treat myself here and there so I never feel deprived.

My "all the time" foods included fresh/frozen vegetables, water, lean meats, fresh fruits, plain yogurts, etc. My "sometimes" foods included chips, juice/soda/alcohol, sweets, fried foods, red meat, and others.

For me, sometimes meant about once every week or two, and all the time meant at any point during breakfast, lunch, as a snack, or dinner, every day. Thinking of food as part of these two categories allowed me to learn how to eat to livenot the other way around.

Also, it allowed chips and candies to become more of a treat for me, and I quickly grew to appreciate those foods much more than when I was eating them on the regular.

An important point here that I wish more women realized is that on the days when you do decide to have a slice of chocolate cake, if youve been working your butt off up to that point, you can't beat yourself up about it. Girl, close your eyes and savor every piece of that slice. Guilt-tripping yourself will only rob you of the pleasurable experience cake is designed to offer. As long as you pick right back up where you left off on your healthy lifestyle, your journey will still be right on track (trust me).

I've also learned how to savor a cheat meal, as opposed to a cheat day. Enjoying my favorite foods doesnt always have to end in a binge. Ive learned to enjoy one delicious meal without going overboard with breakfast, lunch, dinner, *and* snacks in between just because I feel like it.

I would walk until I started to work up a sweat and I could feel my heart beating at an uncomfortable, yet tolerable pace. From there, I began walking on an incline. Inclines turned into light jogs, and jogs turned into full-blown running. Now I run every day, sometimes indoors and other times outside. I also suffer from asthma, so running used to be *such* a struggle, but now I fight to push my pace on the regular.

In the past year or so Ive also been incorporating more strength exercises. Muscle mass helps to burn fat, so once Im done with a run I take about 10 to 20 minutes to lift dumbbells and perform a few bodyweight exercises such as lunges, push-ups, and crunches.

Not all victories are won on the scale, I realized. So I came up with other metrics to use for measuring my progress. Obsessing over my weight did nothing but make me lose confidence. Instead, I now put more emphasis on other types of measurements such as:

Using more than just my scale weight or waist inches as measurement has proved to be much more satisfying than throwing myself to the mercy of a scale each week.

No matter what the scale says, no matter how my clothes fit, no matter what the reflection in the mirror staring back at me looks like, choosing to keep going on this journey is the number one reason why Ive lost so much weight. I am a force to be reckoned with because I refused to give up on myself.

This journey is beyond worth it. I feel like Im living a new life in a new body. Losing weight has impacted so many other facets in my life outside of just getting better in the gym. My self-discipline is so much more refined in every aspect of my life, and it impacts the way I work, the way I do business, and even the way I treat others.

This journey has been long and hard, but to have it any other way would be to lose the magic of the process. As the J.Cole lyric goes, Theres beauty in the struggle."

See the article here:
'I Started Rethinking Cheat Days And Got Into RunningAnd I've Lost 94 Pounds' - Women's Health

Laid off? It could be the start of a better future. Here’s why – Ladders

Being laid off can be extremely stressful. In fact, on theHolmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory/Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), losing a job ranks eighth out of 43 top life stressors. When you lose a job, particularly if youd been a long time or exceptionally loyal employee, you will likely go through a period of emotional, financial, and psychological upheaval.

Often, the shock of a layoff is compounded by job tension that may have preceded it. Difficulties maintaining a work/life balance, being overworked or underpaid, conflict with supervisors or coworkers these are all sources of stress and, according to the American Institute of Stress, job-related stress has been linked tohigh blood pressure and other health problems.

Thoughbeing laid off is not the same as being fired that is, its generally not due to poor performance or misconduct, or anything that could be construed as your fault it is a loss, and its natural to grieve a loss. Since grieving is a process, you may experience some orall of the five common stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and, finally, acceptance.

The good news is: There is indeed life after a layoff. Some people whove been laid off find that they emerge better, happier, and more fulfilled than before. Whether or not that happens for you depends mainly on the mindset you adopt and the actions you take. Follow these guidelines, and you may find yourself at the beginning of an exciting and fulfilling new career journey.

At this point, that layoff should be in your rear-view mirror. Its something that happened; it doesnt define you. The only way to go from here is forward.

One of the greatest mistakes people make is identifying themselves solely with the work they do. Take this opportunity to stop thinking of yourself as your job. When you are employed again, dont neglect your network, your hobbies, and your life. Maintain the healthy lifestyle youve created during this time of transition. You may find that the work you do is positively affected by the way you feel.

Kathleen Marvin is a Certified Career Coach at RiseSmart focusing on professional and personal development.

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Laid off? It could be the start of a better future. Here's why - Ladders

Intentional Living Breast Cancer Part 2 – KLBK | KAMC | EverythingLubbock.com

In this weeks Intentional Living we are continuing our series about Breast Cancer. Early detection can be your best bet when fighting breast cancer. Along with living a healthy lifestyle, it can give you the best chance at survival.

Each year, about 245-thousand new cases of Breast Cancer are diagnosed in women in the U.S., and 2,200 cases in men. For those people, the earlier its caught, the better their chances of survival.

Dr. Amelia Zelnak who is an Oncologist says, a lot of the focus for women that are trying to have the best outcome possible with breast cancer is really focused on early detection.

That is why Dr. Zelnak says getting annual mammograms starting at age 40 is so important. For those at high risk, start screening earlier.

Dr. Zelnak says, if you have a strong family history of breast cancer, obviously you cant prevent thatsome of the other factors we think about like when did you have your first child, how old were you when you started your first menstrual cycle.

Dr. Zelnak also says while monthly self breast exams were once the standard, the message now for women and men is to just be aware of your own breasts.

According to Dr. Zelnak, if you feel something thats different, get it checked out immediately.

Though there are no ways to prevent breast cancer, there are ways to can reduce your risk.

Zelnak says, one would be to maintain a healthy weight, eat well, really just to focus on a healthy lifestyle.

So while it is at the top of your mind, call now to make an appointment for your yearly mammogram.

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Intentional Living Breast Cancer Part 2 - KLBK | KAMC | EverythingLubbock.com

How to Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle for Personal Development – TechCo (blog)

When it comes to your professional growth and career development, a majority of us focus on mastering our strengths and extending our skill sets, to create an impressive personal profile.

Not many of us realize the significance of health and are unaware of how a healthy body and lifestyle can contribute to your personal development. Jobs, in the present age, have become ever more demanding and organizations are expecting a lot from their employees in terms of work, performance, and efficiency.

Aside from that, the increasing competition among the workforce has propelled the employees into a rat race, to excel ahead of the rest and add a competitive advantage to their professional profile.

All these efforts combined, in the pursuit of personal development will require some strenuous work on your part. To be able to stay a step ahead of the competition, you need to maintain your mind and body in an optimally healthy state.

As the adage goes, A healthy body possesses a healthy mind. Therefore, you cannot expect yourself to perform your best and pursue career growth while depriving your body of its essential needs. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the first step to personality development.

Here are some good practices to implement in your daily routine to foster a healthy lifestyle and achieve personal development and career growth.

A disorganized routine and ill-maintained lifestyle will make you lose your sense of direction rather than taking you closer to your career goals.

Routine brings order to your life and makes it convenient for you make the most of your hours of the day. It improves your time management skills and creates a balance between the various aspects of your life.

You are what you eat. This is true since what you eat eventually reflects in your physical and mental performance.

If you are habitual of eating junk food, rich in harmful fats and bad cholesterol, you will become lazy, sluggish and lethargic, eventually becoming unable to perform to your utmost potential.

Your comfort zone might seem as a serene place, but, it is the very restriction that prevents you from aiming for higher pursuits.

No matter how contented you are with your career accomplishments, do not let them make you settle for less, while you have it in you to grow and achieve more.

Staying optimistic in all circumstances and possessing a positive outlook on life is essential for personal development.

Engage yourself in some constructive activities that not only make you happy but also help you learn something new. This will boost your self-esteem and motivation and will inspire you to keep going and achieve more.

Additionally, it will eliminate the negative consequences of stress and brain function that might be affected due to excessive workload.

How you utilize your free time says a lot about how successful you will be in future.

You might be tempted to spend your leisure hours, sitting idly and binge-watching TV shows and series. However, spending that time in healthy activities such as swimming or working out at the gym will be more beneficial for you.

Read more about maintaining a healthy lifestyle at TechCo

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How to Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle for Personal Development - TechCo (blog)

Leading a Healthy Lifestyle Requires an Attitude Adjustment – HuffPost

Leading a healthy lifestyle requires adjusting our attitudes about stress. Stress is unavoidable. But we have a choice about how to deal with it. Work, money and family all create daily stress. More global issues like politics and terrorism can also add to our stress levels.

But, research studies show that our perception of stress is really what matters in the long run. The key to dealing with stress and also leading a healthy lifestyle is to adjust your attitude. You can even make stress a positive part of a healthy lifestyle.

How to Embrace Stress While Leading a Healthy Lifestyle

Here are some ways to deal with stress, reduce its harm and even use it to make yourself stronger and healthier.

Even though stress is associated with many serious health problems, some people with high-stress thrive. How is that possible?

In 2012, researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison published a study looking at how 28,000 people perceived stress in their lives. People in the study answered these two questions:

1. During the past 12 months, would you say that you experienced:

o A moderate amount of stress

o Relatively little stress

o Almost no stress at all

2. How much effect has stress had on your health?

The researchers looked at death rates in the study group over nine years. The results were quite surprising. The study found that the amount of stress in the participants life was not linked with premature death. However, those people who said they had a lot of stress in their lives and believed it was taking a toll on their health, had a 43% increased risk of premature death.

Leading a Healthy Lifestyle Involves Changing Your Stress Perceptions

Another study shows how interconnected our minds are with our bodies. Whether we view stress as something that is harming our bodies or making us stronger so we can overcome adversity makes all the difference.

Heres a quick way to try out these two very different views of stress. Read the statement, and then think about your reaction to the biological changes that occur during times of stress.

1. When Im stressed, my body releases adrenaline and cortisol. My heart is beating faster. This means that:

o Common View: Stress is increasing my risk for cardiovascular disease and heart attack.

o Alternative View: My heart is working harder and my body is mobilizing its energy to get ready for this challenge.

2. When Im stressed, my stress response is causing my breathing rate to increase. This means that:

o Common View: My fast breathing is a sign of anxiety. I worry about how stress is affecting my mental and physical health.

o Alternative View: I should take a deep breath. My faster breathing means more oxygen is getting to my brain so I can think more clearly.

3. When Im stressed, blood vessels dilate, causing my blood to flow faster, increasing my blood pressure. This means that:

o Common View: I can feel my blood pressure rising. This cant be good for my health.

o Alternative View: This extra blood flow is fueling my muscles. Im feeling stronger and ready for the challenge ahead.

If you can adopt the alternative view over the common view, you will be able to continue leading a healthy lifestyle despite dealing with a stressful lifestyle.

Consider the results of this study done by Harvard researchers. They paid 50 study subjects $25 each to take part in a lab experiment designed to induce stress. The test involved giving a talk in front of an unfriendly audience, followed by a tricky word test. This is something that causes of lot of stress for almost everyone.

Before the stress test, one group was allowed to play video games. The second group was told to just ignore stressful feelings if they experienced them during the test. The third group was given a primer about the physical stress response and told that a higher heart rate, faster breathing and butterflies were all tools for making them stronger during a stressful event. They were told about how the bodys stress response evolved to help them succeed, and that the increased arousal symptoms of stress help performance during times of high stress.

The group that learned to rethink the role of stress in their lives did far better on the test. They gave better speeches and were rated as more confident. They smiled more and had more-positive body language. And physiological indicators showed that their bodies were also managing the stress response better than those of test subjects who were taught to ignore stress or given no advice at all.

The Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal has been a champion of rethinking stress as a way to cope with it better. Her TED talk on the subject, How To Make Stress Your Friend, has been viewed 14 million times.

What I learned from these studies, surveys and conversations truly changed the way I think about stress, Dr. McGonigal wrote in her book The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It. The best way to manage stress isnt to reduce or avoid it, but rather to rethink and even embrace it.

Click here to read the full article about stress perceptions and leading a healthy lifestyle.

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Leading a Healthy Lifestyle Requires an Attitude Adjustment - HuffPost

Doctors discuss the importance of living a healthy lifestyle – Westside Eldos

Melusi Khumalo and Lynette Van Rooyen.

The City of Johannesburg recently organised a Wellness Workshop at the Diepkloof Welfare Centre.

A spiritual motivator and a doctor all the way from Cuba came to teach the residents about living a balanced and fulfillinga lifestyle without any unnecessary health issues.

The Cuban doctor also went to donate 67 minutes of his time and taught people about nutrition and healthy living and how it lengthens lifespan and can uplift and elevate joy.

Another local doctor Patrick Mpoyi gave people lessons about Dementia, Alzheimer and exercising.

Mpoyi said, People should eat well daily and always try to eat a fruit with every meal balanced with good exercise.

Margaret Kwena of CoJ was with Nomasonto Mlotshwa to lead the workshop that was graced by Lynnette Van Rooyen of hashtag Africa-At-Work.

Van Rooyen explained how a good spiritual life can improve peoples health.

Melusi Khumalo who studied medicine in Cuba went to the Welfare Centre to preserve the cause of the late Nelson Mandela by taking out 67 minutes of his time to help people get the knowledge and information that could make a positive impact in their lives and maybe elongate their lifespans.

Khumalo said, We have to unite and work collectively to live happy lives because happiness breeds health.

Lucy Madupe from the area heard about the workshop while visiting her doctor and went to it, she said, I have learned a lot and the information I got from here can help me take a bit of control over my health and lifestyle.

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Doctors discuss the importance of living a healthy lifestyle - Westside Eldos

Best Smoothies – Nutribullet MDW Berry Blaster (Family Road Trip) – Video

Best Smoothies - Nutribullet MDW Berry Blaster (Family Road Trip)
Memorial Day Weekend. Rainbow Swiss Chard, Baby Spinach, Ginger, Rasberries, Blackberries, Pineapple, Peaches and Coconut Water. Chia Seeds and super foods. Enjoy !! Let me know what you...

By: Healthy Lifestyle

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Best Smoothies - Nutribullet MDW Berry Blaster (Family Road Trip) - Video

Groundbreaking planned for luxury athletic lifestyle resort at The Falls – Miami’s Community Newspapers

Nearly 140,000-square-foot country club-style destination will transform the healthy living landscape at premier shopping destination.

Simon, a global leader in premier shopping, dining and entertainment destinations, has announced Life Time, the nations premier healthy lifestyle brand, will break ground on a new luxury athletic resort at The Falls in early 2020. Completion of the nearly 140,000-square foot club is planned for 2022.

We are thrilled to welcome this extraordinary development to The Falls, one of the most dynamic open-air shopping, dining and entertainment complexes in the U.S., said Dailen Rodriguez, general manager of The Falls. The addition of Life Time is evidence of our continued commitment to providing our loyal visitors with the very best in shopping, dining and entertainment and experiences.

On the heels of the centers expansion and renovation of Regal Cinemas, The Falls will further elevate its lifestyle offerings to meet the needs of its customer base in an evolving retail landscape.

The Falls is a very exciting destination for Life Time as we continue our growth in South Florida, said Parham Javaheri, Life Time executive vice president of real estate and development. In partnership with Simon, were creating a whole new experience for the community and look forward to bringing our Healthy Way of Life mindset and generating economic growth for years to come.

With modern architecture, beautiful spaces and an abundance of amenities, the Life Time footprint will deliver an unparalleled athletic resort experience. The expansive, athletic resort will feature everything members of any age could dream of in the areas of healthy living, healthy aging and healthy entertainment. Once open, the athletic resort destination will include fitness and training areas with dedicated group fitness, cycle, yoga, Pilates and Barre studios, Kids Academy, LifeSpa, LifeCafe, regulation-size basketball courts, an indoor aquatic center and a 40,000-square-foot outdoor beach club with lap and leisure pools, whirlpools, lounge areas and a bistro.

Life Time currently has Florida locations in Tampa and Boca Raton with additional destinations planned in Coral Gables and Palm Beach Gardens. The company also owns and produces several athletic events throughout Florida including the Life Time Miami Marathon and Life Time South Beach Triathlon.

For more information, visit the website lifetime.life.

The property and its retailers will remain open and operating throughout the project.

The Falls is one of the largest open-air shopping, dining and entertainment complexes in the US. The 55-acre shopping center and tourist destination features 839,967 square feet of retail space with more than 100 specialty stores, restaurants, and cafs as well as The Fresh Market. Anchored by Macys, guests can stroll the one-level, covered walkways surrounded by a million-gallon waterscape and lush tropical foliage.

The Falls offers shoppers distinctive retailer brands like American Girl, Apple, Alex and Ani, Brighton, Brooks Brothers, Coach, Columbia PFG, Janie & Jack, Michael Kors, Sephora, Skin Laundry and Soft Surroundings to name a few.

Guests also can enjoy a diverse mix of dining options that include American Girl Bistro, BJs Restaurant and Brewhouse, Brio Tuscan Grille, Los Ranchos, PF Changs, Red Robin, Pummarola, Shake Shack and Sokai Peruvian Sushi Bar. Coming soon, visitors will be able to enjoy tasty tapas from Bulla Gastrobar and seasonally inspired, healthy cuisine from True Food Kitchen.

The Regal Cinemas onsite are currently undergoing an expansion and renovation, slated to be complete in 2020.

The Falls is located in Miami, FL at 8888 SW 136 St., off of US1, and is open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sundays, noon to 7 p.m. For more information, call the management office at 305-255-4571 or visit http://www.ShopTheFalls.com.

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Groundbreaking planned for luxury athletic lifestyle resort at The Falls - Miami's Community Newspapers

Heart attack symptoms can be more than chest pain – Home – WSFX

February is heart health awareness month, but a shocking number of American adults dont know the signs of a heart attack. In Dec. 2019 study, 47 percent of respondents didnt recognize some of the symptoms, and 6 percent were not familiar with any symptoms at all.

And with nearly half of the countrys adult population suffering from a form of cardiovascular disease, researchers say its imperative for Americans to be educated about the warning signs. Dr. Matthew Tomey, a cardiologist at Mount Sinai St. Lukes, told Fox News that not all patients may experience the same symptoms, which is why its important to recognize each one.


Chest pain is the classic symptom of a heart attack, but it is important to appreciate that different people can experience chest pain in different ways, Tomey said. Chest discomfort associated with a heart attack, also known as acute myocardial infarction, can be felt as pressure, squeezing, heaviness, tightness or even like indigestion. Some people having a heart attack do not feel pain but rather shortness of breath.

And while patients may be quick to dismiss the above symptoms as a product of something else, Tomey warned that certain accompanying features such as sweating, nausea and vomiting or radiation to the arms increase the likelihood that the discomfort are signs of an impending heart attack.

If you think you are having a heart attack, seek immediate medical attention, Tomey said. Key treatments for heart attack, including therapies to restore blood flow to the heart, are most effective when delivered early.


Tomey also advised against trying to go it alone and to call 911 to get help from paramedics.

Its also important, Tomey said, to recognize that everyone is at risk of a heart attack, but there are certain factors that can increase that risk such as age, gender, high cholesterol, smokingand high blood pressure. Obesity, sedentary lifestyle and diabetes mellitus are also considered risk factors.

Individuals with a family history of a heart attack may also be at increased risk, although it is important to recognize that factors beyond genetics may have affected family members risk for heart attack, Tomey said. For some individuals, additional testing can be helpful to elucidate risk.


He also said that each of us has the power to reduce risk of heart attack, and it begins with a simple self-assessment to evaluate blood pressure, cholesterol levels, exercise habits, weight, diet and lifestyle factors.

Each of these represents a potentially modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, he said. For individuals with a family history of heart attack, it is encouraging to learn that family history need not be destiny: adherence to a healthy lifestyle is associated with a substantial reduction in risk.


Outlook for heart attack survivors also depends on adjusting lifestyle factors and care while under the guidance of a cardiologist, Tomey said.

Today, we are fortunate to have an array of tested therapies to help survivors of heart attack live longer, healthier lives, he said.

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Heart attack symptoms can be more than chest pain - Home - WSFX