FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Have a healthy holiday season – The News


Tis the season of family, celebration and lots of food! Temptation seems to be everywhere chocolates at the office, your moms favourite pie on the counter, and so many holiday buffets!How do you stick to your diabetes meal plan while everyone around you seems to be indulging? By following some of our tips below you can enjoy some holiday offerings and also keep your blood sugars in check!

Balance your plate, balance your blood sugarsCreating a healthy plate for your meals is the foundation for controlling blood sugars, especially during the holidays. Fill half your plate with veggies, with protein and with whole grains. This helps balance fibre, healthy fats and protein which are important in slowing down digestion and the release of sugar into your blood. During the holidays, try to eat close to your usual times to keep your blood sugar steady. If youre eating later than normal, eat a small snack at your usual mealtime and eat a little less when dinner is served.

Navigate the holiday food table Look at the whole buffet table before deciding what to put on your plate. Did you know when you put healthy foods on your plate first, it can improve overall meal selection? Give it a try! Pick one or two appetizers and then move away from the party table. Facing the buffet table can actually lead to more trips to fill your plate. Use a smaller plate. You can enjoy smaller portions of food and still be satisfied because the plate looks full. Load up on vegetables. Eat them first to take the edge off hunger and make sure they fill half your plate. Fit in your favourites. Remember, all foods can fit. Be sure to slow down, savour every bite and make sure to count them in your meal plan. If you have a sweet treat, be sure to cut back on other carbs (like potatoes and bread, stuffing) during the meal. Lead by example. Bring a vegetable or fruit tray to your next holiday potluck, and watch it disappear. Short on time this month? Order a tray from your Sobeys produce department.

Stay activeIts all about balance. Have you found yourself indulging a little too often? Balance your extra intake by burning some calories. There are so many fun holiday activities you can enjoy with family and friends ... or on your own if you are in need of some peace and quiet. Walk around your neighbourhood to see the Christmas lights and decorations. Celebrate winter with activities that you cant do any other time of year. Skating, skiing and snowshoeing are all great choices. Go sledding or build a snowman with the kids in your life. Walk a little more while you are Christmas shopping. Park farther away, take a few extra laps around the mall or stroll through the downtown streets.Most of all, enjoy everything the festive season has to offer!

Nutrition Events:Join Teresa for her Secrets to Better Blood Sugars class. Learn practical ways to better manage your blood sugar and follow a healthy lifestyle.Thursday, December 5th from 11-12:30pm at Sobeys AberdeenTuesday, December 10th from 5:30-7pm at Sobeys WestsideContact Teresa to register at (902)-755-3645 or email

Teresa Flynn is a dietician at Sobeys in New Glasgow. Hungry for more? Like @SobeysDietitian on Facebook and Twitter for more tasty tips & recipes or receive our schedule of events and Healthy Bits & Bites Newsletter directly to your inbox! Register at

Zucchini Loaf with Walnuts & Pumpkin SeedsPrep time: 15 minutesTotal time: 1 hour 35 minutesMakes: 1 loafIngredients:1 cup 250 mL Whole-wheat flour1 cup 250 mL All-purpose flour1 tbsp 15 mL Baking powder1 tsp 5 mL Ground cinnamon tsp 2 mL Salt2 Eggs cup 175 mL Plain 2% yogourt cup 125 mL Firmly packed brown sugar cup 125 mL Canola oil1 tsp 5 mL Vanilla extract2 cups 500 mL Grated zucchini (approx. 1 large zucchini) cup 125 mL Pumpkin seeds cup 125 mL Walnut pieces1 tbsp 15 mL Ground flaxseedsDirections:1. Preheat oven to 350F (180C). Grease 9 x 5-in. (1.9 L) loaf pan. In large bowl, combine flours, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Set aside.2. In separate bowl, whisk together eggs, yogourt, brown sugar, vegetable oil and vanilla. Pour over flour mixture and mix until just combined. Fold in zucchini, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and flaxseeds.3. Scrape batter into prepared loaf pan, smoothing top. Bake in centre of oven 55 minutes to 1 hour, or until top of loaf is golden brown and skewer inserted into centre comes out clean. Cool loaf in pan 15 minutes before turning out onto cooling rack to cool completely......Nutrition Information per Serving (1/12th of loaf):Calories 280, Fat 17 grams, Saturated Fat 2 grams, Carbohydrate 27 grams, Fibre 3 grams,Protein 7 grams, Sodium 210 milligramsDietitian Tip: Nuts and seeds in this loaf give healthy fats and fibre with a great crunch.

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Have a healthy holiday season - The News

Top 5 holiday temptations and how to avoid them – Jamaica Gleaner

The holiday season means delicious food and parties galore. If youve been dedicated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, theres no reason to throw away all your hard work. You just need to make adjustments to your routine so you can enjoy the Christmas guilt-free.

Here are the five biggest holiday temptations and how to manage them:

To avoid temptation at holiday gatherings, never walk into one hungry. No amount of willpower will stop you from rushing the dessert table if you arrive on an empty stomach. Before you go, have a good, balanced meal that includes protein, veggies and plenty of water. Even if you do treat yourself to a slice of Christmas cake once there, youve done some substantial damage control.

Exercise frequency drops off dramatically over the Christmas, according to a Gallup poll. If you dont have a gym membership, investing in a few key pieces of exercise equipment weights, bands, kettlebells, workout videos can help you supplement your workouts and maintain an active lifestyle.

And use the busy holidays to your benefit. Wear comfortable shoes and use your shopping trips to walk more and carry those many bags of goodies. Turn Christmas house cleaning and sprucing up into a great workout session to burn some calories.

As if your own holiday party indulgences werent bad enough, you also have to deal with other peoples leftover treats in your workplace breakroom. To avoid temptation, make sure your meal prep is on point every week and includes healthy snacks to keep you full throughout the day. Its much easier to politely decline those cookies when youve filled up on almonds or light popcorn.

Ham with all the trimmings. Christmas cake and sorrel non-stop. Endless delectable, colourful pastries. As much as we look forward to these traditions, they can take a toll on a healthy lifestyle. This year, try focusing less on food and more on shared experiences. Trade the annual cake bake-off for a road trip to the country or a day at the beach; skip your calorie-laden dessert and become the life of the party by bringing creative games to play after dinner.

Sorrel, eggnog, wine, cocktail, or a festive holiday blend are delicious ways to celebrate the season, but they add up quickly. Alcohol has almost the same number of calories per gram as fat, and a typical hot chocolate with whipped cream is around 400 calories. If youre going to indulge, do so in moderation. Peppermint tea is a festive, tasty alternative as well. Sorrel has lots of health benefits, but drink in moderation. Remember, most sorrel drinks are laden with sugar.

Avoiding temptation doesnt mean avoiding the fun. Just take careful steps to put yourself in a position where its easier to make good choices, and not undo all that hard work over the past 11 months.

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Top 5 holiday temptations and how to avoid them - Jamaica Gleaner

My Healthy Lifestyle – Riverside Health System

The My Healthy Lifestyle employee wellness program offers many opportunities for team members to improve their health, to spend wisely when making choices regarding their health, and to find balance between their work and personal life.

Riverside Health Plan Discounts My Healthy Lifestyle has special benefits for team members and their covered spouses who have chosen Riverside health insurance. The heart of the program is creating a "medical home," a term that describes the strong and ongoing relationship between you and your primary care provider. Developing this relationship and meeting certain health and wellness related goals are your keys to qualifying for savings of up to $750 annually on your Riverside health insurance premium.

Your health plan is committed to helping you achieve your best health. Rewards for participating in a wellness program are available to all health plan participants. If you think you might be unable to meet a standard for a reward under this wellness program, contact us at 757-534-5281 and we will work with you (and, if you wish, with your doctor) to find a wellness program with the same reward that is right for you in light of your health status.

Better Health for all Riverside Team Members You don't have to be enrolled in a Riverside health plan to take advantage of Riverside services and resources to improve your health.

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My Healthy Lifestyle - Riverside Health System

Tim McGraw on Forgiving Himself for His Past: ‘It’s Always a Work in Progress’ –

Tim McGraw might be a living example of how to eat well and take care of your body, but that wasn't always the case. The 52-year-old spent several years overeating and drinking too much, which came to a head when his wife, Faith Hill, gave him an ultimatum. But there were still several dark years in his life, which McGraw admits still haunt him from time to time.

"It's always a work in progress," McGraw said in a clip he shared on social media, from his recent chat on the Aubrey Marcus podcast. "And I think that you'll find, when you get my age, you start finding that sometimes those things creep back in harder than you expect them to, and they'll hit you unexpectedly and for a long period of time and you have to really dig in and work on them."

"It's not a one time thing and it's over," he continued. "Life is always going to be a progression forward and sometimes you've got to fight with a shield at your back."

It was Hill who gave McGraw some tough love, when his health was quickly deteriorating, as were his relationships with his wife and three daughters.

My emotional absence was noticed and it was not scoring any points, McGraw wrote in his new book, Grit & Grace, which chronicles his journey to a healthy lifestyle. [Faith] has always offered unconditional love in every situation and never for a second have I doubted her willingness to support whatever step I needed to take to find my way back to health. Yet in that instance, she knew that someone had to lay down the law. Getting real like only she can do, Faith told me, Partying or family, take your pick.'

The Louisiana native now realizes that his unhealthy lifestyle was part of a bigger problem, one he was desperately trying to mask.

I wasnt comfortable sitting back, watching and waiting in stillness, McGraw admitted. In hindsight, I think its because if things got quiet, Id hear the old ghosts that tend to follow at my heels like shadows. The ones that say, Youre just a small-town country singer on a lucky streak what do you know about success? Working hard and playing hard kept things noisy enough inside to drown them out.

But when youre a partner and a parent, if you dont leave intensity at the door when you come home, it starts to strain the bonds," he continued. "You dont even realize youre using worldly stresses and pressures as a way to check out of something harder to navigate like intimacy and being there emotionally for the people who love you most.

Photo Credit: Getty / Rich Fury


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HIT play and listen to GroupChat's new Episode 14! We're digging into 'Dancing With the Stars' winner, 'Americas Got Talent' had two major exits, Dog the Bounty Hunter is in a new movie role and Angelina Pivarnicks wedding got messy when her 'Jersey Shore' stars roasted her in their speeches! Stay tuned and make sure to subscribe!

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Tim McGraw on Forgiving Himself for His Past: 'It's Always a Work in Progress' -

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Michelle Bridges talks about her new range of One Active clothes
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Ebola: Expert Says Healthy Lifestyle To Build Immunity Can Combat Virus PT1 – Video

Ebola: Expert Says Healthy Lifestyle To Build Immunity Can Combat Virus PT1
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Continued here:
Ebola: Expert Says Healthy Lifestyle To Build Immunity Can Combat Virus PT1 - Video

Healthy Lifestyle

Find Your Healthy Lifestyle Balance: The Wellness Institute for Self Enhancement Could your efforts for healthy living and nutrition actually be unhealthy...even causing many of your most frustrating problems?

In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, many people have become less healthy overall. Perceptions about what constitutes healthy eating or healthy living vary dramatically...and everyone's an "expert". If you are exhausted and confused by the bombardment of "trendy healthy lifestyle information", it is time to get off that crazy train. Healthy living is far simpler and more enjoyable than the prevailing message conveys.

I remember when I first decided to study nutrition, in hopes of one day helping others with some sort of wellness program. Back then I, too, was caught up in the social messages of good and bad foods, mandatory exercise, and the constant fear of my untrustworthy body doing something crazy at any time. I was the proverbial "health nut"...and I was pretty proud of it. I totally bought into the idea that eating patterns and exercise and body somehow indicated my value as a person.

I've found over time that even people who do not have food or body issues tend to have the same underlying struggles. Self-image, anxiety, depression, meaning, identity, relationships and life-purpose are part of most people's lives. Our society gives few clues on how to handle these big lessons--you shouldn't have to hit 'rock bottom' before you have access to therapeutic growth opportunities. Every person benefits from understanding themselves better.

Now a fully recovered former trendy-nutrition guru (when I was an expert prior to getting an actual nutrition degree), I have gone on to work in the areas of identity and purpose, mood issues, life-transitions, eating disorders, weight issues, and overall wellness. Due to the complex nature of overall healthy living, we've added counseling, yoga, creativity, and meditation to our programming and services. The Wellness Institute for Self Enhancement (formerly Nutrition Paradox) provides individual, group, and wellness program options to address the whole person. This is the place to discover comprehensive, lasting enhancement of the awesomeness you already are.

I look forward to our adventures together! --Jennifer Pereira, RD, CSCS, LPC-Intern Program Director, W.I.S.E.

"Let me start off by saying how wonderful it was to stumble upon your blog, it is so refreshing to see a professional (aka not Dr. Oz) giving real advice about healthy eating. I appreciate your posts and the nutritional advice you give... there are so many people out there who could use this information!" -Ellen R., Arizona

The Wellness Institute for Self Enhancement (W.I.S.E.) is physically located in the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex (and online!) to promote and support the path to self growth and enhancement. Whether you feel stuck in your current situation, you suffer from low self-esteem/anxiety/depression, family and relationship concerns, issues related to food and weight, or simply want to do some inner soul searching... W.I.S.E has a path for you.

W.I.S.E. offers individual, group, community, and family programming. See our programming page for more specifics about the groups offered.

Community Groups are open to the public. These are donation-only groups and we welcome and encourage everyone who is interested to attend. These groups are typically peer-support groups, and are routinely coordinated and hosted by WISE staff members (may not be a clinician).

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Healthy Lifestyle

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Some hair care tips for all | How To Get Healthy Shiny Voluminous Hair at Home Hair
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