Permit filed for Connecticut port offshore wind upgrade – reNEWS

The Connecticut Port Authority has filed a permit application with the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) in relation to works to upgrade State Pier as an offshore wind port.

The proposed two-phase State Pier infrastructure redevelopment project in the Thames River includes demolition activities, filling in between the two existing piers, onshore site work and in-water activities in the Thames River.

Phase one will consist of the onshore improvements and activities at the site, as well as select in-water demolition activities.

It will span demolition of buildings, excavation, grading and installation of a stormwater management system and utilities.

The site will be levelled and graded to accommodate future uses.

Phase two work will consist of activities like dredging, fill placement and marine structure construction for creation of the new Central Wharf area and heavy-lift pad.

Activity in phase two will include the demolition of approximately 400 linear feet of State Pier to facilitate construction of the heavy lift pile supported area and bulkhead at the State Piers east berth.

It will also include dredging of a vessel berthing area along the proposed north-east bulkhead heavy lift area and at the east berth heavy lift area.

At the east berth heavy lift area dredging work will also include seabed preparation for installation of crushed gravel areas to allow for berthing of vessels with jack-up legs, or similar, at both the north-east bulkhead and east berth heavy lift areas.

The Corps is soliciting comments from members of the public, federal, state, local agencies, Indian Tribes and other interested parties to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity.

Public comments on the proposed work by the Connecticut Port Authority should be forwarded no later than 3 September 2020 to the US Army Corps of Engineers, New England District.

The project will create infrastructure in Connecticut that will serve as a long-term, regional wind turbine port facility while at the same time continuing to support other existing long-term breakbulk operations for steel, coil steel, lumber, copper billets, as well as other cargo.

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Permit filed for Connecticut port offshore wind upgrade - reNEWS

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