Letters to the Editor: Expand offshore drilling bans – Charleston Post Courier

The states refusal to allow seismic testing off the South Carolina coast to prevent oil and gas drilling is a strong step in the fight for protecting our environment.

Representatives such as Gov. Henry McMaster and U.S. Rep. Joe Cunninghams opposition to seismic testing and offshore drilling show that this is not a partisan issue but a shared goal to protect our planet and way of life.

Efforts to protect the Atlantic Ocean from the Trump administrations move to open federal waters to drilling is vital, but we must also expand these restrictions. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is one of the regions in need of protection.

About the size of South Carolina, the Arctic refuge is home to numerous animals as well as the Gwichin people who depend on the ecosystem for their way of life.

The United States needs politicians like McMaster and Cunningham, as well as citizens, to stand up and fight to protect the ANWR by recognizing the negative biological, climatological and cultural impacts that oil exploration would have.

Although far from home, drilling in this region would accelerate the rate of climate change, which has already had a noticeable effect on the South Carolina coast.

The current administration cannot disregard scientific and societal support for protecting the Arctic any longer. The time to act is now.


Nassau Street


Now is the time for Charlestonians to take action and vote for a new mayor. Charleston has changed for the worse over the past four years. The overgrowth and sprawl of downtown Charleston is awful. Charleston doesnt look like the charming place it once was. And what about the flooding, traffic and infrastructure issues that plague our city?

The only thing I know John Tecklenburg has done is take a trip to the Netherlands for a couple of weeks at taxpayers expense to learn how to deal with flooding.

But we do have a great alternative in Councilman Mike Seekings. He is the answer to what the city needs. I believe Mr. Seekings is a man of action and not just talk, which is evident by the way he turned around the CARTA program and by his 10-year service on City Council.

Lets elect a man who has the knowledge, experience and motivation to be a true leader for our city and who will bring about resolutions to the many issues that face us. Vote Mike Seekings for mayor on Nov. 19.


Yeadon Avenue


Santee Cooper is yet again proving its an unaccountable state agency operating in the shadows.

For years now, the state-owned utility promised time and again that South Carolina taxpayers wouldnt have to bear the burden of the nuclear debt. So much so that one of its Facts are Facts blog posts is titled, Taxpayers are not responsible for our debt. To quote the blog post, FACT: Our debt will be paid off through our revenues, and not by tax dollars.

Last month, Santee Cooper filed a lawsuit against the S.C. State Fiscal Accountability Authority and the S.C. Insurance Reserve Fund in an effort to recover the money lost in the V.C. Summer nuclear fiasco.

Both of these are state agencies. So that means Santee Cooper is seeking a bailout from the state.

Santee Cooper cant fix itself and will have to depend on every taxpayer in our state to dig itself out. Enough is enough.


King Street


I and many others waited on poll returns at our Nov. 5 election watch party. Though Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg was not reelected outright, it was victory nonetheless.

Tecklenburg was on fire. No amount of dark money, negative campaigning or distortion of the truth could overshadow the impassioned leader standing before us.Mayor Tecklenburg has displayed integrity, decency and a stellar record of community involvement.

On Nov. 19, I will be at the watch party for Mayor Tecklenburg, and once again, he will shine as the leader we deserve. Only this time, there will be no runoff. No more dark money mailers will be sent to our homes, or baseless accusations filling the airwaves.

This time, we will celebrate not only his victory but the defeat of those who sorely tried to dim his light. And we will be celebrating the growth of the seeds he and his team have planted, which will bear fruit for generations to come.


Gilmore Road


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Letters to the Editor: Expand offshore drilling bans - Charleston Post Courier

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