Fugro starts Vattenfall site investigations at two UK offshore wind farms – GISuser.com

Fugrohas beguna four-month marine site characterisationcampaignforSwedish energy groupVattenfallattwo majoroffshore wind development siteslocatedover 40kmoff the coast of Norfolk, UK. Theresulting Geo-datafromFugros geotechnical investigationswillfeed into the ground model forthe Norfolk Vanguard andNorfolk Boreas wind farms, which will have a total installed capacity of 3.6GW,enough to power more than 3.9million homes.

Fugro has mobilised the Fugro Scout to perform surveys and sampling on their latest site characterisation campaign for Vattenfall off the coast of Norfolk, UK

Working from its dynamically positioned (DP2)geotechnicaldrillshipFugro Scout, Fugro is performing surveys and samplingusingits proprietarySEACALFMk VDeepDrivecone penetration testing systemat both sites,and will carry outtestingbothin situ and at the companys world-class soilslaboratoriesinWallingford,UK,and Nootdorpin theNetherlands.Thesite characterisationworkis split across twoprojects:thefirstwillhelpVattenfalloptimisethewind turbinefoundationengineeringdesign;thesecondwillassistVattenfallinselectingthemost efficient cable route from the onshore substation to the turbines.

Rob Anderson, Project Director of Vattenfall UKs Norfolk Vanguard and Norfolk Boreas Projects,said:The Norfolk Vanguard and Norfolk Boreas projects are huge and complicated infrastructure projects requiring long-term planning and support from specialistservice providersduring their development and beyond.We are pleased to partner with Fugro on these important site investigationprojects,who we can rely on to providethe necessaryGeo-dataforthe next phase of engineering and procurement.

John ten Hoope, Fugros Marine Site Characterisation Directorfor Europe and Africa, said: Wehave beena trusted partner of Vattenfallin Europe formany years. These latestoffshore windcontracts havefurtherstrengthenedour workingrelationship, which is based not only on Fugro consistently delivering technical excellence but also on shared company valuesto create a safe and liveable world.

ClickheretowatchashortvideoofFugrosintegratedsolutionfordevelopingoffshorewind farms.


About Fugro

Fugro is the worlds leading Geo-data specialist, collecting and analysing comprehensive information about the Earth and the structures built upon it. Adopting an integrated approach that incorporates acquisition and analysis of Geo-data and related advice, Fugro provides solutions. With expertise in site characterisation and asset integrity, clients are supported in the safe, sustainable and efficient design, construction and operation of their assets throughout the full lifecycle.

Employing approximately9,500talented people in 61countries, Fugro serves clients around the globe, predominantly in the energy and infrastructure industries, both offshore and onshore. In 2019, revenue amounted to EUR1.6 billion. The company is listed on Euronext Amsterdam.

About Vattenfall

Vattenfall is a leading European energy company, which for morethan 100 years has electrified industries, supplied energy to peoples homes and modernised our way of living through innovation and cooperation. We now want to make fossil free living possible within one generation. Thats why we are driving the transition to a sustainable energy system through initiatives in renewable production and climate smart energy solutions for our customers. We employ approximately 20,000 people and have operations mainly in Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, the UK and Finland. Vattenfall is owned by the Swedish state.

Vattenfall has been working in the UK for more than ten years, developing fossil free energy projects. We have grown our windbusiness from one project in 2008 to 11 today. We continue to grow in district heating and power networks, to make fossil free living possible within one generation.

Vattenfall is planning two offshore wind farms off the coast of Norfolk that could power more than 3.9 million UK homes. Norfolk Vanguard has been granted consent and Norfolk Boreas is in the examination phase, with a final consent decision expected in April 2021.


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Fugro starts Vattenfall site investigations at two UK offshore wind farms - GISuser.com

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