Asia and Oceania Virtual Premiere of award-winning Dutch documentary DOWN to EARTH – The Netherlands and You

News item | 05-08-2020 | 00:00

Date: Saturday 22 August 2020

Time: 05.00-07.00pm, SG time / 11.00am-01.00pm, NL time

Register here for the DOWN to EARTH Asia and Oceania Virtual Premiere


The Netherlands Embassy in Singapore is excited to support the DOWN to EARTH (DTE) Collective's initiative and invites people in Singapore and the region to join this once only, free-of-charge, virtual screening of DOWN to EARTH.

DOWN to EARTH is an award-winning Dutch documentary taking you on a journey to visit the Earth Keepers, the native wisdom teachers around the world who hold the keys to a better future.

Leaving behind city life, a Dutch couple (Renata Heinen and Rolf Winters) together with their three young children, embark on the journey of a lifetime. They travel the ends of the earth searching for a new perspective on life. They gain access to tribal sages never filmed or interviewed before, withouth a crew or schedule, just one backpack and one camera each. And the curiosity to listen.

DOWN to EARTH premiered at the UN Global Climate Summit in Paris. It became the longest running documentary in Dutch cinemas.

The DTE Collective encourages going on this journey and watching the film with others. Please share the premiere announcement with family, friends, colleagues, schoolmates and your community to watch the film for free and from the comfort of your couch. The online event will start with an introduction and be followed by a Q&A session.

Seen by over 275,500 people who have been inspired by the Earth Keepers into action.

Follow this link:

Asia and Oceania Virtual Premiere of award-winning Dutch documentary DOWN to EARTH - The Netherlands and You

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