Henry Thomason Pro Powerlifter – Talks about ETS by www.atlargenutrition.com – Video

Henry Thomason Pro Powerlifter - Talks about ETS by http://www.atlargenutrition.com
Henry Thomason Pro Powerlifter - Talks about ETS by http://www.atlargenutrition.com http://www.atlargenutrition.com ETS (Extreme Training Support) is a revolution in the sports supplement industry. ETS uses proven ingredients and is one of the very few truly effective sports supplements for the hard training individual. The backbone of ETS is a unique nutracuetical called MicroLactin trade;. MicroLactin trade; is one of the end results of a process originally pioneered by Dr. William Peterson. Decades ago Dr. Peterson introduced the idea of "immune milk". This milk was the result of treating cows with special immune stimulants. When the cows were treated with these stimulants they produced antibodies which were then passed on in their milk. When humans consumed this milk several health benefits were noted by Dr. Peterson. Stolle Milk Biologics, Inc. took the work of Dr. Peterson and further refined it to produce MicroLactin trade;. This special product was produced specifically for the US supplement market. Humanetics Corporation teamed up with Stolle Milk Biologics to market this supplement in the United States. In our continuous search for new and exciting sports supplements AtLarge Nutrition contacted Humanetics Corporation to see what products they had to offer which might be of interest to us. Our Humanetics representative mentioned MicroLactin trade; as a product we might like to offer. It had been on the market for a period of time as a joint care product. As we researched MicroLactin trade; it occurred ...

By: hthomason

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Henry Thomason Pro Powerlifter - Talks about ETS by http://www.atlargenutrition.com - Video

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