WSJ insights on wine blogs – and blogging in general

What makes bloggers keep on writing?

Most of the bloggers write for "personal satisfaction" since the possibility of making money is quite small - WSJ.

What makes bloggers quit?

There are 1,450 wine blogs but only 18% have been blogging for more than 6 years. A lack of profit potential isn't necessarily the biggest blogger obstacle; time is in even shorter supply.
How do you know if a blogger is any good?

What makes a blogger credible? "Reputation and awards. Design and writing style". Most of all, a blog has to "be about something"

Define a good blogger: Impassioned amateur with genuine curiosity and interesting point of view (and current posts).

83% of wine bloggers cited "passion" as a reason for keeping a blog.


Five Wine Blogs I Really Click With | On Wine by Lettie Teague - WSJ
Image source: Wikipedia, public domain.

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