Neurology Now Magazine

For example, in their current April/May 2012 issue, I found information about neuropathy and Neuropathy Awareness Week that was relevant to me. One of their feature articles this month, Too Rare for Research? , highlighted the problems that most of us with neuromuscular disease experience in receiving an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. A companion article provided links useful links regarding rare disease.

The Neurology Now website (see Resources below for web address) offers the ability to search for articles of interest from past issues. A search of their archives found articles on many other neuromuscular diseases, including muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, motor neuron disease, myasthenia gravis, and Freidreichs ataxia. I also found useful articles on other topics of interest to those with neuromuscular disease such as coping with pain, living well with neurological disease, alternative and complementary medicine, and caregiver burnout.

Subscription to Neurology Now can be obtained on their website (see Resources below for address). This magazine offers free print subscriptions to individuals in the U.S. coping with neurological disease, including patients and their families, friends, and caregivers. The Neurology Now website also offers other services, including subscriptions to podcasts and the ability to view the website on internet-enabled mobile devices.

Give Neurology Now a try for reliable, accurate, and easy to understand articles about a variety of neurological disorders including neuromuscular disease. Both the print magazine and the resources available on line provide valuable information from a trustworthy source at no cost to the neuromuscular disease community.


Neurology Now website, (2012). Home Page. . Retrieved 4/20/12.

Neurology Now website, (2012). Subscription Services. . Retrieved 4/20/12.

FTC Disclosure Statement: The magazine reviewed in this article was received by the author as a free subscription. Free subscriptions are available to any individual with a neurological disease residing in the U.S.

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Neurology Now Magazine

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