Neurology – Children’s Health

Samu bravely manages seizures and reaches for the stars

In February 2017, Kata heard a strange sound on her monitor in the middle of the night. It sounded as if one of her children were drowning in their beds. She immediately went upstairs to check on her kids and saw that something was wrong with her son, Samu, then 7 years old.

Bella is the modern version of a Renaissance (wo)man. She's a high school junior who excels in academics and manages the school wrestling team. She has a close-knit group of friends and family, was recently promoted at her job and is a talented vocalist who is teaching herself to play guitar. She is also in the midst of a life-changing search for answers as she manages a chronic illness that has knocked her down several times in her life but Bella refuses to give up.

In December 2010, 4-year-old Aleah and her family were visiting her grandparents in Washington for the holidays when she started to feel sick. Aleah was lethargic, but her parents, Renee and Nathan, assumed she was just worn out from all the travel and festivities. But the next day, December 23rd, Aleah began having difficulties walking and was losing control of her other extremities.

Before starting kindergarten in August 2018, Molly spent the summer traveling with her family, swimming, spending time in the country with her grandparents and playing dress-up with her big sister. She loves her big sister, ice cream and dogs. Seeing her, you would never guess that her earliest days were spent at Children's Medical Center Dallas.

In the summer of 2015, Colin and his family were walking on a beach in Maine at the end of a college-tour-turned-family-vacation. Colin had just finished his junior year of high school and was preparing to pursue an education in circus performance, building upon his longtime passion for juggling.

A 10-year-old football fan from Lake Dallas and a 5-year-old farm boy from Oklahoma have matching scars and are the best of friends. "The boys relate to each other on a different level," says Shanna, Payton's mom.

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Neurology - Children's Health

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