Doctors should blog with their real name – agree or disagree?

From KevinMD:

"Martin Young still has "nagging doubts about doctors who post blogs or replies about healthcare issues without giving their names.

My blog as an extension of who I am as a doctor, putting a carefully considered face to the experience of caring for the sick, as a means of drawing attention to issues that do not get into medical journals. As do most other doctors who host their own blogs.

I often look at those replies to my postings that are anonymous and think, “Who are you? Why do you think the way you do? Why will you not put a name and face to your thoughts?” My personal belief is that the anonymous person may lack conviction, confidence or courage.

I would not accept a referral from an anonymous doctor, or give advice to one. In the same way, I may read anonymous replies to my postings, but they carry much lower weight."

Although I encourage physicians to blog under their own name, I do not think we should "force" them to do so. They should not feel obliged to host their own blog either if they can use such perfectly reasonable free services such as by Google and WordPress.

I assembled a short list of suggestion for medical bloggers several years ago. Here it is:

Tips for Medical Bloggers

- Write as if your boss and your patients are reading your blog every day
- Comply with HIPAA
- Do not blog anonymously. List your name and contact information.
- If your blog is work-related, it is probably better to let your employer know.
- Inquire if there are any employee blogging guidelines. If there are, comply with them strictly.
- Use a disclaimer, e.g. "All opinions expressed here are those of their authors and not of their employer. Information provided here is for medical education only. It is not intended as and does not substitute for medical advice."
- Get your blog accredited by the Heath on the Net Foundation

Image source: public domain.

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