Department of Neurology – – – University of Utah – School of …

Afra, P, Jouny CC, Bergey GK (In Press). Termination patterns of complex partial seizures: An intracranial EEG study. Seizure.

Dansithong, W., Paul, S., Ho, M.H.T., Scoles, D.R., Pulst, S.M., and Huynh, D.P. Generation of SNCA cell models using zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) technology for efficient high- throughput drug screening. Plos One, In press.

de Havenon A, Yuan C, Tirschwell D, et al. Nonstenotic Culprit Plaque: The Utility of High-Resolution Vessel Wall MRI of Intracranial Vessels after Ischemic Stroke. Case Reports in Radiology 2015;2015:e356582.

Hammers, D., Ramirez, G., Persad, C., Heidebrink, J., Barbas, N., & Giordani, G. (In press). Diagnostic profiles of patients differentially failing executive functioning measures. American Journal of Alzheimers Disease and Other Dementias.

Heatwole CR, Johnson NE, Bode R, Dekdebrun J, Dilek N, Hilbert JE, Luebbe E, Martens WB, McDermott MP, Quinn C, Rothrock N, Thornton CA, Vickery BA, Victorson D, Moxley RT. PRISM-2: Patient reported impact of symptoms in Myotonic dystrophy type-2. Neurology, in press.

Jagust WJ, Lahdau SM, Koeppe RA, Reiman EM, Chen K, Mathis C, Price, JC, Foster NL, Wang AY. The Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 2 PET Core: 2015. Alzheimers & Dementia, 11, 757-771.

Johnson NE, Abbott D, Cannon-Albright LA. Relative Risks for Comorbidities Associated with Myotonic Dystrophy: A Population-Based Analysis. Muscle and Nerve, in press.

Johnson NE, Hung M, Nasser E, Hagerman KA, Chen W, Ciafaloni E, Heatwole CR. The impact of pregnancy on myotonic dystrophy: A registry-based study. Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases, in press.

Kinard K, Osborn AG, Palmer CA, Warner JE, Katz BJ, Crum AV, DeWitt LD, Sonnen JA, Digre KB. Ataxia at the Masquerade Ball. J Neuroophthalmol. 2015 Jun 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26067029.

Sangle N, Baringer JR, Majersik J, DeWitt LD. CADASIL with Multiorgan Involvement: a Complete Autopsy Examination Report. Can J Neurol Sci. 2015 Jul 3:1-4. PMID: 26138243

Abou-Mrad F, Tarabey L, Zamrini E, Pasquier F, Chelune G, Fadel P, & Hayek M. (in press). Sociolinguistic reflection on neuropsychological assessment: an insight into selected culturally adapted battery of Lebanese Arabic cognitive testing, Neurol Sci.

de Havenon A, Moore A, Sultan-Qurraie A, Majersik J, Tirschwell D. Ischemic stroke patients with active malignancy or extracardiac shunts are more likely to have a right-to-left shunt found by TCD than echocardiogram. Translational Stroke Research. In press

de Havenon A, Petersen C, Wold J, Tanana M, Hoesch R. A Pilot Study of Audiovisual Family Meetings in the ICU. Journal of Critical Care. In press.

Digre KB, Bruce BB, McDermott MP, Galetta KM, Balcer LJ, Wall M; NORDIC Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Study Group. Quality of life in idiopathic intracranial hypertension at diagnosis: IIH Treatment Trial results. Neurology. 2015 May 20.

Stefan M. Pulst: The Helix: welcome to Neurology: Genetics. Neurology Genetics 1:e2. Published online April 17, 2015 2376-7839

Partha Sardar, MD; Saurav Chatterjee, MD; Jay Giri, MD; Amartya Kundu, MD; Parijat Sen MD; Ramez Nairooz, MD; Jessica Huston, MD; John J. Ryan, MD; Riyaz Bashir MD; Sahil A. Parikh MD; Christopher J. White MD; Philip M. Meyers, MD; Debabrata Mukherjee, MD, MS; Jennifer J. Majersik MD, MS; William A. Gray MD. Endovascular therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke-A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials. Accepted for fast track publication to European Heart Journal. May 2015.

Scoles DR, Ho MHT, Dansithong W, Pflieger LT, Petersen LW, Khanh KT, Pulst SM. Repeat associated non-AUG translation (RAN translation) in ATXN2 is dependent on sequence downstream of theATXN2 CAG repeat. PLOS ONE, 2015, In Press.

Gerstenecker, A., Duff, K., Meneses, K., Fiveash, J., Nabors, L. B., & Triebel, K. L. (in press). Cognitive Predictors of Reasoning through Medical Decision in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Brain Metastases. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.

Greenlee JE, Clawson SA, Hill KE, Wood B, Tsunoda I, Carlson NG. Anti-Yo antibody interaction with its intracellular target antigen leads to targeted Purkinje cell death in rat cerebellar slice cultures: a possible mechanism for paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration in humans with gynecological or breast cancers. PLOSone, April 17, 2015.

Johnson, NE, Arnold WD, Hebert D, Gwathmey, K, Dimachkie, MM, Barohn, RJ, McVey, AL, Pasnoor, M, Amato, AA, McDermott, MP, Kissel, J, Heatwole, CR. Disease Course and Therapeutic Approach in Dermatomyositis: A Four-Center Retrospective Study of 100 Patients. Neuromuscular Disorders, 2015, in press.

Mossa-Basha M, Hwang WD, de Havenon AD, et al. Multicontrast High-Resolution Vessel Wall Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Its Value in Differentiating Intracranial Vasculopathic Processes. Stroke. 2015.

Lucas Ramirez, Aaron Krug, Heng Nhoung, Suzie Kazaryan, Gregory Gasparian, Joshua Perese, Ali Razmara, David Liebeskind, Jennifer Majersik, and Nerses Sanossian. Vascular Neurologists as Directors of Stroke Centers in the United States Accepted for publication to Stroke.

Su XW, Clardy SL, Stephens HE, Simmons Z, Connor JR. Serum ferritin iselevated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener. 2015 Mar;16(1-2):102-7.

Cortez MM, Nagi Reddy SK, Goodman, B, Carter JL, Wingerchuk DM. (2015). Autonomic symptom burden is associated with MS-related fatigue and quality of life. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, in press.

Dansithong W, Paul S, Figueroa KP, Rinehart MD, Wiest S, Pfleiger LT, Scoles DR, Pulst SM (2015). Ataxin-2 regulates RGS8 translation in a new BAC-SCA2 transgenic mouse model. PLoS Genet, (In Press).

de Havenon A, Sultan-Qurraie A, Hannon P, Tirschwell D. Development of Regional Stroke Programs. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2015;15(5):544.

Duff K, Horn KP, Foster NL, & Hoffman JM (in press). Short-term practice effects and brain hypometabolism: Preliminary data from an FDG PET study. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.

Kinard KI, Smith AG, Singleton JR, Lessard MK, Katz BJ, Warner JE, Crum AV, Mifflin MD, Brennan KC, Digre KB. Chronic Migraine Is Associated With Reduced Corneal Nerve Fiber Density and Symptoms of Dry Eye. Headache. 2015 Mar 31.

Thaler N, Hill B, Duff K, Mold J, & Scott J. (in press). Intra-individual variability on the RBANS in healthy older adults: Associations with poorer health outcomes and earlier mortality. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology.

Cirulli ET, Lasseigne N, Petrovski S, Sapp PC, Dion PA, Leblond CS, Couthouis J, Lu YF, Wang Q, Keebler J, Krueger BJ, Ren Z, Levy SE, Boone BE, Wimbish JR, Jones LW, Jones A, Carulli JP, Day-Williams A, Staropoli J, Xin WW, Chesi A, Raphael AR, Cad J, Baloh RH, Appel S, Simpson E, Pulst SM, Gibson S, Trojanowski JQ, Elman L, McCluskey L, Grossman M, Shneider N, Chung W, Ravits JM, Glass JD, Sims KB, Van Deerlin V, Maniatis T, Wade Harper J, Hayes SD, Ordureau A, Swarup S, Allen AS, Bedlack RS, Gitler AD, Rouleau GA, Brown R, Harms MB, Cooper G, Harris T, Myers RM, Goldstein DB: Exome sequencing in ALS identifies new risk genes and pathways. Science Feb 19. pii: aaa3650.

Serafini R Andrade RC and Loeb JA (2015). Coalescence of deep and superficial epileptic foci into large discharge units in adult rat neocortex. Neuroscience , in press.

Serafini R, Loeb JA (2015). Enhanced slow waves at the periphery of human epileptic foci. Clinical Neurophysiology, in press.

Digre KB Is there a difference in the management of pseudotumor cerebri in pregnancy Curbside Consultations in Neuro-ophthalmology. Eds Lee, A, Brazis P, Kline L. 2015

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