Acupuncture Is Popular with Patients but Insurance Does Not Cover It

From the NYTimes:
Because her insurer did not cover acupuncture, Ms. Kumar had to pay for the $70 weekly treatments she hoped would put her cycle on a more normal schedule.

Acupuncture remains a largely out-of-pocket form of health care. Sessions with an acupuncturist run about $65 to $120, depending on where you live (and some leading acupuncturists charge as much as $300). Most ailments require at least three treatments, while some chronic issues like arthritis might require biweekly or monthly sessions, depending on the situation.

In a 2007 survey, 3.1 million adults reported using acupuncture in the previous 12 months, up from 2.1 million in a 2002 survey.
Image source: Needles being inserted into a patient's skin, Wikipedia, public domain.

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