Republika Srpska Doesn’t Want to ‘Lose Russia, Other Friends’ to … – Sputnik International


15:20 21.08.2017(updated 19:27 21.08.2017) Get short URL

Republika Srpska (RS), one of the constituting parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, wants a referendum on the country joining NATO, RS President Milorad Dodik said in an exclusive interview with Sputnik.

Dodik pointed outthat a referendum would give the people an opportunity tovoice their opinions onthe possible integration ofBosnia and Herzegovina intothe alliance when the issue is onthe agenda.

"Several years ago we were not againstsome aspects ofmilitary cooperation withthe alliance. But now the situation is different. NATO wants Bosnia and Herzegovina tojoin the military bloc withoutthe consent ofRepublika Srpska. This is why the peoples voice is what really matters," Dodik told Sputnik Serbian.

Serbian-majority Republika Srpska is one oftwo largely autonomous entities constituting Bosnia and Herzegovina. The other one is the Federation ofBosnia and Herzegovina dominated byBosniaks and Croats aswell asthe Brcko district. The union state is governed bya three-member presidency.

AP Photo/ Sava Radovanovic

"There is some sort ofa consensus withinRepublika Srpska that we should not advance towardsa membership inNATO. The most adequate response is toorganize a legitimate referendum assoon aspossible. If RS says no toBosnia and Herzegovinas admission toNATO this would mean no more procedures related tojoining the alliance," Dodik said.

He explained that the decision has been prompted bya recent ruling ofthe Constitutional Court ofBosnia and Herzegovina that the Veliki Zep military facility inRepublika Srpska is owned bythe state.

Re-registration ofthe so-called "prospective military property" is the final step inBosnia and Herzegovinas bid tojoin NATO, the so-called Membership Action Plan.

"This decision is aimed atstripping Republika Srpska ofthe right topossess its own property. This decision was imposed byNATO and supported bySarajevo. The alliance shows its defiance oflaw and sovereignty. Republika Srpska will not obey this ruling. This precedent is very dangerous," Dodik said.

Sputnik/ Mikhail Palinchak

"Well try tounite all ofthe RS political parties and reach a consensus ona referendum. The proposed question should be: 'Do you support Republika Srpska becoming a NATO member?'" Dodik said.

He also commented onthe possible consequences ofa referendum and the possible reaction fromthe international community.

"I guess they will say that the referendum is illegal. But it is legal forRepublika Srpska. We want toreach a domestic political consensus and abandon the integration withNATO. We want tosend a clear message that Bosnia and Herzegovina should not join NATO ina polarized world, inwhich joining one side would mean losing Russia and other friends. We dont want tolose this friendship. Republika Srpska wants tobe likeSerbia that maintains neutrality. At the same time, we should not forget aboutNATOs attempts tomeddle inour domestic affairs," Dodik said.

AP Photo/ Risto Bozovic

Bosnia and Herzegovina was expected tojoin NATO by2011, butthe plan hit a skid overthe need tohand overmore than60 military facilities tothe federal government.

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Republika Srpska Doesn't Want to 'Lose Russia, Other Friends' to ... - Sputnik International

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