NATO rapid-response force now active

BERLIN NATOs interim agile expeditionary force is now active but planning continues for a permanent spearhead unit, the alliances chief said Wednesday.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters in Berlin the interim force is made up of troops from Germany, Norway, the Netherlands and some others. NATO said it had several thousand troops and could be deployed in a matter of days if needed.

An interim solution is in place and we are focused on a more permanent high-readiness force, Stoltenberg told reporters.

The NATO chief said its too early to say when the full permanent force will be in place or how it will be paid for, although it will have to be funded through a combination of NATOs budget and individual nations contributions.

The spearhead force, to be sent at short notice to aid at-risk members, was approved by NATO leaders in September amid concerns over Russias actions in Ukraine.


NATO rapid-response force now active

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