Yet Another NASA EPO Website With No Clear Purpose

"Beth Beck and Agela Triano worked together to create NASA SpaceSmart, an activity-based communication tool to measure shifts in public opinion about space. Beth is NASA's Space Operations Outreach Manager and Angela is a Marketing Solutions Account Executive at GES. Learn ways to engage and interact with your audience as you communicate your brand message, while tracking what topics "move the needle" in how they view your brand. SpaceSmart is one of many projects Beth created as an opportunity to make this world a better place while demonstrating the relevance between life on Earth and the extreme environment of space."

Keith's note: SpaceSmart has a Twitter account at @SpaceSmart but it hasn't tweeted since 7 Feb 2011. Not very current - or "SpaceSmart". This project also has a website whose domain is registered to PurcellMultimedia in Lewisville, Texas. This website points to Facebook page that does not seem to exist. There is no mention of this effort at Why hasn't HEOMD EPO Lead Beth Beth told anyone about this? If you pay $10 you can hear her talk about it here.

This SpaceSmart thing seems to be accomplishing nothing - so what is it that Beth Beck is going to talk about on behalf of the agency? The Twitter page says "I'm SpaceBot. NASA is still developing the world I live in. You can join me there soon. Stay tuned." The last time Beth embarked on an automated website we got NASA Buzzroom and all of the inappropriate content it automatically published at Isn't NASA supposed to be coordinating all of these EPO and public engagement activities?

Keith's update: I came across these confusing presentations from 2010 and 2011 that describe what NASA SpaceSmart is supposed to do - whenever it actually starts doing whatever it is supposed to do. Lots of numbers and charts but no description of what this little droid mascot "SpaceBot" represents or what Space Smart actually does or will do. Global Experience Specialists, Inc. (GES) is apparently the NASA contractor on this. Two Twitter accounts are listed as being sources for more information. @joannascorsone does not seem to Twitter very much and @trianotwntxs protects their Tweets and only has 25 followers. This doesn't strike me as a team that does a whole lot of social media interaction - at least not on Twitter.

The website openly says "Space Smart™" If you do a quick trademark search you will see that there are 50 applications to trademark "Space Smart" or close variants thereof. 17 applications are still live. So ... does this NASA activity actually own the trademark that it is claiming -- or has their application been denied? Did NASA apply for this trademark?

Keith's update: There is another Twitter account associated with this effort @spacesmartbot. Alas, it is not very smart. It only tweeted 22 times - the last time being 24 June 2010. Then it shut down (I guess). Curiously, that last tweet says "[] I don't think exploration isn't in the country's best interest." Hmm. Bad robot grammar.

Oh well. More stuff to FOIA.

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