Yet Another Commercial Crew/Cargo Report

Commercial Crew Market Study Generates Small Firestorm, Space News

"Meanwhile, Braukus said, NASA is wrapping up a much more comprehensive commercial market analysis that was called for in the NASA Authorization Act of 2010. "The Aerospace report was a completely different type of analysis than what was requested in the Authorization Act for the Commercial Market Assessment," Braukus said in the email. "The objective of the Aerospace work, as it was described in the report, was 'to provide ballpark results for what it would take to make a stand alone private enterprise business case close.'"

NASA Authorization Act of 2010

"Sect. 403 (2) COMMERCIAL MARKET ASSESSMENT. Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress an assessment, conducted, in coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration's Office of Commercial Space Transportation, for purposes of this paragraph, of the potential non-Government market for commercially-developed crew and cargo transportation systems and capabilities, including an assessment of the activities associated with potential private sector utilization of the ISS research and technology development capabilities and other potential activities in low-Earth orbit."

Keith's note: This report should be finding its way to Congress in the next few days ...

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