Will The New Republican-Led House Try to Cut NASA’s Budget?

Does GOP Control Of House Jeopardize NASA's Future?, WFTV

"The Republicans ran their election campaigns promising to cut government spending and that puts the extra shuttle mission, and much of NASA's future in question. Congress still has to approve billions for NASA. It gave its OK to fly Discovery, Endeavour and Atlantis one more time, but it hasn't provided funding for that last extra Atlantis mission. In fact, NASA needed more money for it and the space agency could be fighting just to keep what it has under the new Congress. While there have been a lot of discussions, and even a vote in Congress to allow NASA to fly the space shuttle Atlantis one more time next year, there's a chance the change in power in Congress could not only keep Atlantis from making that extra trip, it could cut into NASA's future."

Election Brings New Leadership to NASA Oversight Committees, SpaceNews

"In the meantime, with incoming Republican leaders threatening to dial back discretionary spending across the federal government next year, the $19 billion Congress authorized for NASA in 2011 could be in jeopardy. House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), who is expected to become speaker of the House in January, voted against the recently enacted NASA legislation and more broadly has pledged to roll back spending in an effort to reduce the federal deficit."

Boehner's challenge: Uniting establishment lawmakers, emboldened freshmen, McClathcy Newspapers

"Boehner also has called for extending tax cuts and reining in federal spending to be priorities. On spending, he's called for ending the practice of rolling many federal programs into comprehensive spending bills in favor of requiring specific votes agency by agency. "Members shouldn't have to vote for big increases at the Commerce Department just because they support NASA," he said last month in a speech at the American Enterprise Institute. "Each department and agency should have to justify itself each year to the full House and Senate, and be judged on its own."

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