STS-135: Solid Rocket Booster Left Intertank Camera Video – NASA Space Shuttle Atlantis Launch – Video

STS-135: Solid Rocket Booster Left Intertank Camera Video - NASA Space Shuttle Atlantis Launch
STS-135 Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) - Left camera view looking towards the external fuel tank. Video commences shortly before SRB separation commences at 2 minutes into flight. The final jouney of the NASA Space Shuttle Atlantis shown using a camera mounted on one of the two solid rocket boosters. This provided a unique angle of the launch from the Kennedy Space Center and the subsequent water landing downrange in the Atlantic Ocean. This video made available courtesy NASA / Johnson Space Center.

By: wdtvlive42

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STS-135: Solid Rocket Booster Left Intertank Camera Video - NASA Space Shuttle Atlantis Launch - Video

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