Space Policy: No Love On The Hill

NASA Plan Falls Flat In Congress, Aviation Week

"Objections to it fall into two broad categories -- the lack of a clear objective in space for the new program, and the "faith-based" belief, in the words of one House member, that a commercial route to orbit for U.S. astronauts is better than the government-managed Ares I and Orion vehicles. Members also are irritated over delays in getting specifics of the broad-brush plan released Feb. 1, and the apparent lack of consultation outside a small administration circle in the decision to make such a "radical" change away from a space policy Congress has endorsed."

NASA budget plan may not pass committee as is, Florida Today

"Congressional hostility toward the administration's plans for NASA was so great that three lawmakers who don't serve on the science committee attended Thursday's hearing just to give Bolden a piece of their mind."

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