OSTP Space Conference: Ignoring the Locals

Letter from Rep. Posey to President Obama Regarding The Space Summit

"I understand you will visit Kennedy Space Center on April 15, 2010, presumably to provide details on your vision and plan for America's human space flight program. My office has not yet received an invitation, agenda, or any other preliminary information on this event. I write to inform you that I would very much appreciate the opportunity to participate in the event with you."

Keith's note: Lets see, things are already rather raw down in Florida as a result of the proposed FY 2011 NASA budget. So ... what does OSTP do? Why, they just make things worse by continuing to ignore the very people most affected by the new space policy.

But the fact that Rep. Posey is being kept in the dark should not be at all surprising. You see, no one knows exactly what this Space Summit/Conference is or is not going to be. There is currently a three-way tug of war between OSTP, NSC, and NASA over topics, content, agenda, expected outcome, attendees, and participants. With 2 weeks to go, and the course of NASA's future direction at stake, to say nothing of thousands of jobs, one would hope that all of the actors in this drama start to quickly figure out what is going to be happening.

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