Nervous in Florida

What's next for NASA?, opinion, Fran DiBello

"There are still many political battles to be discussed and fought nationwide. The looming dread of entire regions that stand to lose not just jobs but also valuable talent assets in the shuttle workforce, and now the Constellation teams too, hangs heavy over November elections. Florida's central region from Cape Canaveral to Tampa, known as its high-tech corridor, is a key voting block, and these policies will certainly sway voters as the potential loss of more than 23,000 direct and indirect jobs will grab headlines and the hearts of voters."

Obama's space plan adds insult to injury, opinion, Douglas Ma"cKinnon, Orlando Sentinel

"With all due respect to President Obama, regarding his speech in Florida on "Space Exploration in the 21st Century," I simply have to ask, "Are you kidding me?" As one who has consulted on and written extensively about our space program, worked in the White House and drafted a speech or two, I know shameless pandering filler when I read it."

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