NASA Sued for Failing to Investigate Martian Jelly-Donut Rock

One man is claiming that the intriguing Martian rock photographed recently by NASA's Opportunity rover isn't a rock at all, but a living thing, and is now suing the space agency for neglecting to investigate further.

Rhawn Joseph, a neuropsychologist and author, filed a lawsuit in a California court earlier this week demanding NASA "thoroughly scientifically examine and investigate" the mystery object that seemingly appeared out of nowhere on the surface of Mars this month.

Dubbed the "jelly donut," by Opportunity lead scientist Steve Squyres, the rock is white on the outside with a red center. And while NASA scientists admitted it was "unlike anything we have seen before," they definitely determined it to be a rock.

Read more: 'Jelly Doughnut' Rock on Mars Suddenly Appears

NASA even offered a simple and slightly dull explanation for its curious appearance on Mars on Jan. 8, after photographs taken in the same location just 12 days earlier showed no such object.

That explanations included the possibility that Opportunity's tires knocked the rock, since dubbed "Pinnacle Island," into view.

But the mystery was not to be explained away so fast for Joseph.

The self-labelled astrobiologist and author of several books on extraterrestial life instead resorted to legal action against the agency, explaining in the court petition his theory that the rock is indeed "a putative biological organism."

In fact, it could be a "mushroom-like fungus, a composite organism consisting of colonies of lichen and cyanobacteria, and which on Earth is known as Apothecium," Joseph speculated in the petition.

Read more: Opportunity Still Roving on Mars After a Decade

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NASA Sued for Failing to Investigate Martian Jelly-Donut Rock

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