NASA and PeTA on CNN Tonight

This isn't rocket science, Houston Chronicle

"Since leaving her position at NASA, [April Jean] Evans has devoted much of her time to building support for an international treaty that would ban primate experiments for the purpose of space exploration. Already the European Space Agency has adopted such a position, with Director Jean-Jacques Dordain stating in an April 1 letter that ESA's formal position is: "there is absolutely no research interest or planning for experiments with primates." Such is Evans' aspiration that all space agencies would adopt a similar position. But there's also the real-world issue of no longer having a regular income. Since leaving NASA, Evans has moved into her brother's spare room. She's also falling into debt."

Keith's note: PeTA tells me that April Jean Evans is supposed to be on CNN Headline News Channel on "Issues With Jane Velez-Mitchell" at 7 pm EDT tonight to talk about this. If you are going to comment on NASAWatch, then stay on topic and don't try and post stupid stuff anonymously - it won't appear online.

Ex-NASA Engineer on HLN Tonight, PeTA

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