Moon Walkers Briefed On Internal NASA Study Results (Update)

Keith's note: ESMD AA Doug Cooke briefed Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan today via telecon on the results of NASA's internal exploration working group studies. No word yet as to when the rest of us will learn what Doug told Armstrong and Cernan - perhaps next week a this Senate hearing on 12 May?

Reshaped spaceflight plan gains support, MSNBC

"Nelson has arranged a high-profile Senate hearing on the future of U.S. human spaceflight for May 12, just two days before the shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to lift off on its final trip to the International Space Station. Among those who may testify are Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong and Gene Cernan, the first man and the last man to walk on the moon."

Keith's update: The witnesses for Wedensday's hearing have been announced: Holdren, Bolden, Armstrong, Cernan, and Augustine.

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