ISS National Lab Management Entity Announcement Next Week?

Keith's note: According to the ISS National Lab Management Entity CAN the "anticipated selection announcement" is 31 May 2011. NASA never wanted to go down this path to begin with. As such, it will be interesting to see what team NASA picks and whether the agency will ever truly yield any control of the ISS to an external entity - or allow any creative thinking to enter into the management of the ISS. Given the way that this CAN was formulated, we are probably just going to see more of the same old 20th century mindset that has dominated ISS management since the 1990s.

- ISS National Lab CAN Provides Old, Incomplete Documents, earlier post
- NASA's Slow Motion Reluctance To Truly Open Up The ISS, earlier post
- The Primary Purpose (Today) of the ISS is Operations, Not Science, earlier post
- Using the ISS: Once Again NASA Has Been Left in the Dust, earlier post

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