Houston Comes To Washington

Unpaid lobby goes to bat for NASA, Houston Chronicle

"Rice University doctoral candidate Laurie Carrillo flew to Washington, D.C., on her own dime to stump for NASA, one of 152 students and other unpaid citizens who have taken up the call to save space agency programs by knocking on the doors of Capitol Hill. "Maybe 20 percent of the people are still neutral, sort of wait-and-see. But their antenna are up, and I think that's really heartening," said the native of San Antonio who began her distinguished academic career at Rice with a $48,000 scholarship from NASA headquarters."

League City councilman appeals for NASA budget, Galveston Daily News

"Cuts among NASA contractors at the Johnson Space Center would undermine League City's economy should Congress approve President Barack Obama's 2011 NASA budget, Councilman Mike Lee said. Lee traveled to Washington, D.C., with members of the Citizens for Space Exploration, an organization of people from 31 states that urges Congress to support human space missions."

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