Griffin, Armstrong, and Cernan Vs White House/NASA Once Again

House Hearing NASA Human Spaceflight Past, Present, and Future: Where Do We Go From Here?

"- Mr. Neil A. Armstrong, Commander, Apollo 11
- Captain Eugene A. Cernan USN (ret.), Commander, Apollo 17
- Dr. Michael D. Griffin, Eminent Scholar and Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville"

Keith's note: Once again Rep. Hall has stacked the deck without even the slightest attempt at being objective and allowing opinions that differ from his own. Oh well, at least we know what Griffin, Armstrong, and Cernan will say since they keep saying the same thing over and over again - all pre-coordinated with each other. And Rep. Hall will ask them the same questions he has asked them a dozen times before. This is nothing more than pre-staged political theater.

Keith's update: Maria Zuber from MIT has been added to the panel. Odds are she will be the only one not drinking Mike Griffin's Koolaid.

Hearing charter

"Neither the administration nor NASA provided Congress with any plans or programs to accomplish those goals. In fact, the funding available for human space exploration in the administration's FY2011 budget request was essentially the same as the FY2010 budget that was deemed "not viable" by the Augustine committee just months earlier."

Live webcast

- Cernan Calls On Bolden To Resign, earlier post
- Bolden Vs Armstrong and Cernan: Clash of the Titans Round 2, earlier post
- Mike Griffin, Master Manipulator, earlier post
- Today's Senate Hearing on Space Policy, earlier post

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