Cyberport Speaker Series: The Cloud is Open (6 Nov) – Video

Cyberport Speaker Series: The Cloud is Open (6 Nov)
Cloud computing has become an increasingly common topic of interest for almost every organization in Hong Kong, though not everyone understands exactly how cloud computing works, what its benefits might be and also what might be any risks of using such technology. As part of our "Cyperport Speaker Series", Cyberport arranged for Mr. Lew Moorman, President of the US firm Rackspace, to share his views on the future of open cloud computing, a vision for the open cloud model, the need for an industry standard and explained how service vendors can "lock-in" customers within proprietary cloud environments. Rackspace has been working with NASA to develop OpenStack, an open-source project that is set to become a big industry standard on open cloud computing. Its mission is to create an open platform that will meet the needs of both public and private needs by being simple to implement yet fully scalable. In his talk, Mr. Moorman explained more about the open cloud project, which is intended to free cloud computing users from being tied down by proprietary cloud solutions. If you are interested to be a member of Hong Kong OpenStack User Group, please email to : tc@cyberport.hkFrom:HongkongCyberportViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:36More inScience Technology

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Cyberport Speaker Series: The Cloud is Open (6 Nov) - Video

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