CxP Layoff Update

Task force still working to save NASA's Constellation program, avoid layoffs in Huntsville, Huntsville Times

"Boeing has already announced that it will issue layoff notices to 100 Constellation rocket program employees on July 2. Battle said he has heard rumors that 700-800 local NASA contractors could eventually receive pink slips."

700-800 contractor layoffs may hit Marshall Space Flight Center, WAFF

"Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle says that there could be anywhere from 700 to 800 layoffs for Marshall Space Flight Center contractors. Monday, The mayor's "Second to None" Task Force met with Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger to update him on efforts to save MSFC's Constellation Program and secure his support."

Maryland Congressman: Don't cancel Constellation without "roadmap" for NASA's future, Huntsville Times

"During a morning news conference, Ruppersberger said he is concerned about ending the rocket program without a "roadmap" for how America will remain a leader in space."

White House looks to help shuttle workers (outside Florida) , Orlando Sentinel

"When President Barack Obama visited Kennedy Space Center in April, he pledged $40 million to help aerospace workers in Florida find new jobs after the space shuttle fleet completes its final mission, now scheduled for later this year. But the gesture didn't sit well in other states with NASA centers -- particularly Texas and Alabama -- which also would be affected by the shuttle's retirement."

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