Update on ISO TC 229s Prodigious Activity in Nanotechnology Standardization

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee (TC) 229 on Nanotechnologies is one of ISOs most active committees, publishing more than 40 documents since its formation in 2005. Recently the committee has ramped up its activity even more, with 35 projects currently in progress in the Working Groups (WGs) directly under TC 229 leadership or in collaboration with other groups. These new documents, which are in various stages of development, will have a tremendous impact on the global advancement of nanotechnology standardization in such critical areas as nanotechnology vocabulary, appropriate measurement techniques for characterization of nano-objects and nanomaterials, and health and safety practices for those individuals working with nano-objects or nanomaterials.

Within ISO TC 229, four WGs, operating independently or jointly depending upon potential overlap of subject areas, focus on the development of international standards for nanotechnologies according to the following scopes:

Nanotechnology, which refers to the manipulation and control of matter in the nanoscale (approximately 1 to 100 nm), is revolutionizing virtually all industry sectors, from information technology to medicine to clean energy production.

WG 1: Terminology and nomenclature

WG 2: Measurement and characterization

WG 3: Health, safety, and environment

WG 4: Materials specifications

The full list of documents currently in development within the ISO TC 229 WGs is available here.

Always a major player in nano standardization work, the U.S. has leadership of ISO TC 229 WG 3, with Dr. Vladimir Murashov of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) serving as Convener. To ensure the U.S. is strongly represented throughout TC 229s areas of activity, the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO TC 229, accredited and administered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), formulates and delivers U.S. positions and proposals to ISO in all areas of nanotechnology. Mirroring ISO TC 229s four-WG structure, the U.S. TAG is made up of U.S. private- and public-sector experts in nanotechnology who serve as delegates for ISO TC 229 meetings, with Steve Brown of Intel Global Environmental Health and Safety serving as overall TAG Chair.

ANSI is proud of the consistent engagement and leadership the U.S. has shown in ISO TC 229 since its formation a decade ago, said Fran Schrotter, senior vice president and chief operating officer at ANSI. The collaborative work of our U.S. TAG members and leaders has ensured that the U.S. plays an important role in influencing the progress and direction of critical nanotechnology standardization activities that foster innovation in nearly every industry.


Update on ISO TC 229s Prodigious Activity in Nanotechnology Standardization

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