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With a significant increasein impact factor of 31% from 11.750 to 15.355, Nano Today is now ranked #2 out of 66 journals in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, according to the latest Journal Citation Reports published by Thomson Reuters in June 2012.

In addition, the journal ranked #4 out of 231 journals in Materials Science (Multidisciplinary), and #5 out of 152 journals in Chemistry (Multidisciplinary), consolidating its position as a leading journal that serves a broad readership. Nano Today is also the only Asia-based journal among the top 5 journals in each list.

We are both excited and happy about the new impact factor of Nano Today. I would like to thank the readers, authors, referees, editorial advisory board, as well as our Managing Editor, Noreena AbuBakar, for all their contributions and support.Nanotechnology is a rapidly advancing field that holds great potential to benefit society through the creation of new materials or devices. The journal will continue to publish the latest and most exciting developments in this multidisciplinary field, shared Professor Jackie Y. Ying, Editor-in-Chief of Nano Today, who is also the Executive Director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Singapore, the worlds first bioengineering and nanotechnology research institute.

The Journal Citation Reports are the recognized authority for evaluating journals, presenting quantitative data that supports a systematic and objective review of the worlds leading journals, as well as measures their impact and influence in the global research community.

Nano Today is an international, peer-reviewed journal for researchers with interests across the whole spectrum of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Through review articles, rapid communications, news and opinions, it features the latest breakthroughs in nanoscience, and the impacts of nanotechnology on biomedical, electronic, chemical and energy applications.

Since successfully transitioning from a magazine to a journal format in 2009 under the leadership of Professor Ying, Nano Today has recorded major increases in the Impact Factor from 5.929 in 2007 to 15.355 in 2011. The excellent impact factor rating achieved by Nano Today in such a short span of time is an indicator of the quality and influence the journal has garnered within the international research community.

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