Novel Forms

Novel Forms New Materialities - Philip Ball
#39;Novel Forms New Materialities #39; explores the radical transformations to our material world provoked by contemporary science and technology. It asks how engagement with new forms and modes of material performance promises to conjure into existence unseen materialities, narratives and possibilities. An evening of presentations, film extracts and discussion follows an afternoon creative writing workshop. You are invited to book for one or both. As molecular biology and nanotechnology converge, promising a proliferation of new, designed biological entities and smart materials, how is our physical environment and visual culture affected? What is at stake in these manipulations of material at this this scale? How might this reshaped matter in turn shape our visual, tactile world, as well as our dreams? Science writer Philip Ball sets the context and considers what cultural, sociological and scientific factors have enabled these technological advancements, and our changing relationship with materials in this new "invisible era".From:artscatViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:04:23More inNonprofits Activism

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