New packaging uses nanotechnology with antiviral and antibacterial action –

Termotcnica has reinvented itself by launching the Safe Pack Antiviral and Antibacterial. Patented and unique in the market, Safe Pack uses nanotechnology to reduce the time and quantity of viral and bacterial agents in the EPS packaging produced by the company.I believe that its in a crisis that the best opportunities to innovate arise. In a consumer survey in March, 80% of respondents reported concerns regarding food safety. We saw in this consumer behavior change an important unmet demand, given this new normal. So, we brought together our multidisciplinary teams expertise to develop and bring to the market this new solution in record breaking time, states Termotcnica president, Albano Schmidt.

The packaging provides protection throughout the EPS structure, thus inhibiting growth and permanency of viruses and bacteria. The goal is to offer an antiviral activity that acts jointly against enveloped viruses that can cause diseases such as Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV), Influenza A (H1N1), Ebola, Herpes (HSV). Its efficacy has been proven in tests conducted by independent laboratories with technical reports that show reduced viral activity, according to the standard ISO 21702-2019 and antibacterial according to JIS Z 2801:2000.

If an infected person handles or sneezes on an EPS Safe Pack, instead of the virus remaining on the surface for days it can be suppressed in a short period of time. Considering the entire production, transportation, storage and consumption chain of foods, vaccines and even appliance packaging delivered to peoples homes, Safe Packs Antiviral and Antibacterial action has numerous and important applications in the market,states Albano Schmidt.

AgribusinessFarmFreshEPS conserver solutions maintain the ideal atmosphere to extend FLVs (Fruits, Legumes, Vegetables) useful liferetaining their freshness and quality from the farm to the consumers table. And Safe Packs action, combined with FarmFresh conservers properties, provide fresh products greater protection from viruses and bacteria.

Food conversationWith food safety on the top of consumers priorities in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, EPS packaging with Safe Pack Antiviral and Antibacterial action ensures even more hygiene in transporting and storing food. Packaged products also gain importance since product traceability is essential both to guarantee origin and quality as well as in the delivery process. Termotcnica EPS conservers allow high thermal insulation, impact absorption, ease in stacking, transport and product display.

To give post-consumer EPS an environmentally correct and sustainable final destination, since 2007, Termotcnica has carried out theEPS Recycling Program, combining reverse logistics and material recycling throughout the country. More than 40,000 tons of post-consumer EPS have already gained a nobler end close to 1/3 of all material consumed in the country. The EPS Recycling Program is true circular economy in practice: after use and recycling, the EPS is transformed into raw material for other applications.

For more information:Carla Lavina TermotcnicaTel: +55 47 9 9127 9834Email:

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New packaging uses nanotechnology with antiviral and antibacterial action -

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