NanoTechnology in Chemtrails Exclusive 3rd Dec 2012 PAL.ogg – Video

NanoTechnology in Chemtrails Exclusive 3rd Dec 2012 PAL.ogg
Soundtrack Courtesy of The Tell Records Pull Us Together Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved. The planes that laid these trails, took off from RAF Fairford Airbase Cirencester Britain. There are 2 trails laid at the same time. The upper trail which billows out is the Nano Material, watch as it grows in the air fed by the lower trail (food in the form of Organic Bacteria , Barium and Aluminium) There are still people on the ground which have no knowledge of these practices, and in some way what they don #39;t know cant bother them, but it will harm them if this material falls to earth whilst it is transforming. The Royal Society London insist that they are still in the experimental Black board stage, Either they are extremely dense, or are lying, for this video and many others on you tube under the heading of Chem-trails, show that GeoEngineering is being carried out in not only in Britain, but all over the world. The fact that Greenpeace UK, Friends of the earth UK,Rising Tide UK , and other environmental groups have not picked up on this yet, leads me to question the methodology that these groups rely on to warn them of issues in which to rally round. Nonetheless Risingtide US have picked up on it which is encouraging.From:frantaagViews:19 1ratingsTime:03:15More inScience Technology

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NanoTechnology in Chemtrails Exclusive 3rd Dec 2012 PAL.ogg - Video

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