Nano Recipes: Creating materials by design – Video

Nano Recipes: Creating materials by design
Brought to you by MconneX ( The ability to mix and match properties at the nano level is key to making materials that are strong but lightweight or can store energy, says UM researcher John Hart. Hart, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, explains how materials could be built from the bottom up using nanotechnology to give them the perfect qualities for their application. ABOUT THE PROFESSOR: John Hart ( is an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering ( at the University of Michigan. His research interests include manufacturing and application of nanostructured materials; nanotubes and nanowires; energy conversion; catalysis and reaction control; composite materials and structures; optical, electronic, and fluidic devices; self-assembly; machine and instrument design; scientific visualizations. He works in the UM #39;s Mechanosynthesis Group ( MORE: Watch additional MichEpedia videos or join the discussion at http://www.engin.umich.eduFrom:michiganengineeringViews:12 0ratingsTime:03:05More inScience Technology

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Nano Recipes: Creating materials by design - Video

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