Global Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Market Report 2022-2032 with Profiles of Over 1,500 Nanotechnology Nanomaterials Producers and Product…

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Dublin, Aug. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "The Global Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Market Report 2022-2032" report has been added to's offering.

At over 1100 pages, The Global Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Market Report 2022-2032 is a comprehensive assessment of the opportunities afforded by these remarkable materials and technologies. The report offers full market forecasts for nanomaterials and industrial sectors impacted by nanotechnology to 2032.

Nanotechnology and nanomaterials are key enablers for a whole new generation of products and processes with enhanced properties. Commercialized products are available from a broad range of players in markets including consumer electronics, batteries, packaging, composites, biomedicine, healthcare, and coatings.

Report contents include:

In-depth analysis of the global market for nanotechnology and nanomaterials, applications, producers, product developers and products.

Product database by market.

Assessment of nanomaterials market including production volumes, competitive landscape, commercial prospects, applications, demand by market and region, stage of commercialization, prices and producer profiles.

Examples of successful markets and products.

TRL assessment for nanomaterials and end user markets.

Ten year forecasts to 2032 on nanomaterials demand in metric tonnes.

Revenues for nanotechnology and nanomaterials by end user market to 2032.

Analysis of global trends, including historical data from 2010, and projections to 2032.

Exploration of nanomaterials and nanotech-enabled products market structures and value chains.

Assessment of end user markets for nanotechnology and nanomaterials including market drivers and trends, applications, market opportunity, market challenges and application and product developer profiles. Markets covered include adhesives, aerospace and aviation, automotive, Energy conversion, storage and generation technologies, sustainable technologies, biomedicine and healthcare, coatings & paints, composites, conductive inks, construction & buildings, cosmetics & sunscreens, electronics, photonics, filtration and environmental remediation, food and agriculture, fuel cells and hydrogen storage, household care and sanitary, lighting, lubricants, marine, oil, gas and mining, packaging, rubber, security and defence, sensors, solar, batteries, textiles and apparel, 3D printing, catalysts, thermoelectrics.

Unique assessment tools for the nanomaterials market, end user applications, economic impact, addressable markets and market challenges to provide the complete picture of where the real commercial opportunities in nanotechnology and nanomaterials are. Nanomaterials covered include metal & metal oxide nanoparticles/nanopowders, carbon nanomaterials, nanocellulose, nanoclays, dendrimers, quantum dots, other 2D materials.

Main application and product opportunities in nanotechnology and nanomaterials.

Profiles of over 1,500 nanotechnology nanomaterials producers and product developers.

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Key Topics Covered:

1 Research Methodology1.1 Technology Readiness Level (TRL)

2 Introduction2.1 Aims And Objectives Of The Study2.2 Market Definition2.2.1 Properties Of Nanomaterials2.3 Categorization Of Nanomaterials

3 The Global Market For Nanomaterials3.1 Production Of Nanomaterials3.2 Global Consumption Of Nanomaterials3.3 Aluminium Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.4 Antimony Tin Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.5 Bismuth Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.6 Cellulose Nanofibers3.7 Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.8 Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.9 Copper Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.10 Dendrimers3.11 Fullerenes3.12 Gold Nanoparticles/Powders (Au-Nps)3.13 Graphene3.14 Iron Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.15 Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.16 Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.17 Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Mwcnt)3.18 Nanoclays3.19 Nanodiamonds3.20 Nanofibers3.21 Nanosilver3.22 Nickel Nanoparticles/Powders3.23 Quantum Dots3.24 Silicon Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.25 Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (Swcnt)3.26 Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.27 Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.28 Zirconiumoxide Nanoparticles/Powders3.29 Other Nanomaterials3.30 Other 2D Materials

4 Markets For Nanotechnology And Nanomaterials4.1 Adhesives4.1.1 Market Drivers4.1.2 Markets And Applications4.1.2.1 Properties4.1.2.2 End User Markets4.1.2.3 Nanomaterials In Adhesives4.1.3 Technology Readiness Level (TRL)4.1.4 Global Revenues To 20324.1.5 Product Developers4.2 Aerospace And Aviation4.3 Automotive4.4 Batteries4.5 Biomedicine And Healthcare4.6 Coatings And Paints4.7 Composites4.8 Conductive Inks4.9 Construction And Buildings4.10 Cosmetics And Sunscreens4.11 Electronics And Photonics4.12 Filtration4.14 Fuel Cells4.15 Household Care And Sanitary4.16 Lighting4.17 Lubricants4.18 Marine4.19 Oil, Gas And Miniing4.20 Packaging4.21 Rubber4.22 Security And Defence4.23 Sensors4.24 Solar4.25 Supercapacitors4.26 Textiles & Apparel4.27 Tools & Manufacturing4.28 3D Printing4.29 Other Markets

5 References

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Global Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Market Report 2022-2032 with Profiles of Over 1,500 Nanotechnology Nanomaterials Producers and Product...

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