International Journal of Nanomedicine | Call For Papers …

About JournalEditorsPublishing Fees Peer Reviewers Articles Open Outlook: Nanomedicine Aims and ScopeCall For PapersInterview: Dr Webster

The International Journal of Nanomedicine is indexed online:

Journal Impact Factor:4.370 (5 year impact 5.154)

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To recover our editorial and production costs and continue to provide our content at no cost to readers we charge authors or their institution a publication processing fee.

PubMed CentralThe International Journal of Nanomedicine is indexed on PubMed Central and MedLine (title abbreviation: Int J Nanomedicine). All published papers in this journal are submitted to PubMed for indexing straight away.

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Yours sincerelyDr Thomas J WebsterEditor-in-ChiefInternational Journal of Nanomedicine

Email: Editor-in-Chief

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International Journal of Nanomedicine | Call For Papers ...

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