NanoYou – an introduction to Nanoscience narrated by Stephen Fry – Video

05-12-2011 13:33 Used with permission from This film is non-commercial and funded by the EC for the NANOYOU project - - an education portal about all things nano. This film was produced by Tom Mustill for the NANOYOU Project as a resource for young people, teachers and anyone interested to get a quick introduction to Nanoscience. Please feel free to download, embed it and pass it on! The film was mainly shot at and with the assistance of the Nanoscience Centre at the University of Cambridge and features researchers involved in exploring the world of Nano. Nanomedicine and Red Blood Cell graphic courtesy Professor Constantinos Mavroidis, 'BionanoRobotics Laboratory', Northeastern University, Boston, MA, Robot on Dime footage courtesy: Chytra Pawashe, NanoRobotics Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University Tree of Life Animation courtesy: Human medicine animations courtesy: Car production line footage courtesy: Ford Motor Company

Originally posted here:
NanoYou - an introduction to Nanoscience narrated by Stephen Fry - Video

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