Nano-Medicine – Wild Iris Design

Introduction Background Basics Nano-Computing Utility Fog Nano-Medicine The Downside Comments Sources


Nanocomputers are small enough that several hundred of them could fit inside the space of a biological cell. Medical nanites could patrol your body, and armed with knowledge of your DNA, repel any foriegn invaders by forming an artificial immune system. The common cold would no longer exist, nor would threats of any biological or viral infection. Biological warfare would then cease to be a threat, also.

These nanites, composed of smart materials, could take over from the plastic surgeons and people would be able to remake their bodies, even change their sex if that was what they wanted to do. There would be no pain, no bruises, and the results would be overnight. Additionally, imagine your body and bones woven with invisible diamond fabric. This body "reinforcement" could increase your tolerance to "G" forces, enable you to fall from a 10 story building and walk away, replace the oxygen in your blood in case of fire or chemical spill, and allow you to walk away from normally fatal accidents.

Life consists of molecular machines controlled by a program (DNA). Aging is a disease and is the real number one killer of humans. With the new genetic therapies it is hoped that the aging process can be reversed within the next 12 to 20 years. With medical nanites, we can not only extend our lives but stop completely the aging process.

Nano-Medicine - Wild Iris Design

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