Lecturer Positions in Intelligent Systems Engineering job with Indiana University Bloomington / Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and…

The Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering atIndiana University-Bloomington invites applications for twofull-time non-tenure track lecturer positions in Intelligent SystemEngineering, beginning in August 2022. We are particularlyinterested in candidates who can prepare and deliver courses inComputer Engineering and Cyber-physical Systems, potentially withapplications in Nanoengineering and Bioengineering.Desirable skills include systems programming, systems design, andprototyping.

In addition to course responsibilities, lecturers will also beresponsible for supervising associate instructors assigned to theirclasses, development of laboratory material, grading, and otherduties as assigned.

After successfully completing a probationary period, lecturerswill be eligible for long-term contracts and promotion to a SeniorLecturer position. Salary will be commensurate withqualifications and experience.

Candidates should possess a Masters of Science (MS) or higherdegree in Informatics, Computer Science, Information Science,Engineering, or a related discipline, or equivalent testedexperience such as experience and mastery in industry, and shouldbe able to demonstrate a record of teaching excellence andenthusiasm.

Applicants should preferably have two academic years experience(may be part-time). Luddy School seeks candidates prepared tocontribute to our commitment to diversity and inclusion in highereducation.

Lecturers at Indiana University are valued members of thefaculty and are expected to support the teaching mission of theLuddy School through excellence in pedagogical practice, service tothe school and academic programs, and inquiry into the advancementof pedagogy in computing.

Bloomington is a culturally thriving college town with amoderate cost of living and the amenities for an active lifestyle.IU is renowned for its top-ranked music school, high-performancecomputing and networking facilities, and performing and finearts.

Online applications received before December 12, 2021 will beassured full consideration; however, the search will remain openuntil a suitable candidate is found. Candidates should reviewapplication requirements, learn about IU, Luddy School, andbenefits, and apply online at:


Questions may be emailed: bhimebau@indiana.edu

Indiana University is an equal employmentandaffirmative action employerand a provider of ADAservices. All qualified applicants will receive consideration foremployment without regard to age, ethnicity, color, race, religion,sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, geneticinformation, marital status, national origin, disability status orprotected veteran status.

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Lecturer Positions in Intelligent Systems Engineering job with Indiana University Bloomington / Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and...

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